11. She, he or they (Friends)

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In this one Y/N is genderfluid. Her pronouns change every now and then and some teachers just don't respect them sometimes. 

If you don't feel okay with anything related to the LGBTQIA+ community, don't read it. I don't want hate comments to the amazing people in that community in this book!

It's a more modern AU, Hogwarts is a school like the ones muggles go to.

~Y/N's POV~

The teacher leads me in class and I immediately know everybody is looking at me. My blue hair does stand out.

"Students, this is Y/N, she will be joining you from now on," the teacher explains.

"It's 'he', ma'am."

He frowns. "What?"

"My pronouns. I prefer to be called 'he' today."

"Ah, right. So, Y/N will be in your class for this year." I notice he avoids my pronouns on purpose, but don't say anything, I'm used to it. "You can sit next to Mattheo, over there."

He points at a boy with curly black hair. I nod and sit down next to him.

"So, Y/N, huh? You have amazing hair."

"Thanks. I didn't like my original colour. I might change it again, though."

"You do that a lot?"

"Yeah, it depends on the gender I am at the moment or my mood."

"You change genders a lot? Daily? Weekly?"

I'm surprised when I hear the question. Most people ignore the fact I'm genderdfluid or just call me a 'she'. "I change when I want to. There's no pattern or something."

"Remind me when you've changed, I don't want to call you 'he' when you're actually a 'she'."

I chuckle. "I will."

After that we immediately become close friends.

After a few months I realise there are three kinds of teachers in this school. We have the ones that ask my pronouns when I walk in, aka the most amazing ones, the ones that use the right pronouns when I told them the right ones, aka the good ones, and then we have the shit ones that call me 'she' even if I told them I used another pronoun.

Now I have a class with Miss Rosebridge, who belongs in the last category. Great.

Mattheo is waiting for me outside class. "Ready for hell?" he asks.

"No. But when do I get a choice?"

He chuckles. "It's only one period, the next class is more fun."

"I wish I had a twin I could send to class... Do you think we look alike? Maybe you could act like you're me and I could skip class?"

Mattheo rolls his eyes. "You've skipped this class enough. If you don't want your mother to kill you for your bad grades, you need to go."

I sigh. "Fine..."

He grabs me by my wrist, to make sure I don't run, and pulls me into class. We sit down somewhere in the back, like usual.

The teacher walks in and immediately notices me. Her eyes immediately fall on my hair, which is partially black and partially green today. She mutters something under her breath, which I can't hear.

"It's good to see Y/N has finally enlightened us with her precence", she starts, but I interrupt her.


"What did you say, Y/N?"

"They. My pronouns are they/them today, ma'am."

She clears her troath and continues. "Now she's finally here she can show me─"

I interrupt her again. "They, ma'am."

Her stern gaze immediately lands on me. "I'd prefer you'd be quiet, Y/N, or you can spend the rest of the hour in detention."

"Then use my right pronouns for fucks sake."

If looks could kill, I'd be very dead now. "You can take that language straight to detention!"

I roll my eyes and grab my bags. I send a glare to her and walk out of class.

~Mattheo's POV~

"So, students, she's a perfect example of how the modern way of life a terrible influence is to the youth!"

I sigh. "Ma'am, they're a they, today. How long is it gonna take you to understand?"

"Mister Riddle, she was born a female, she has a female body, so she'll always be female!"

"What if they'd change their body?" a student asks.

"She'll always be a female."

"You see, that's not true, if they'd undergo surgery, their female body parts could change, so technically they wouldn't be female anymore," another student chimes in.

"You're a terrible teacher, you know that?" a girl with glasses says. "You're ought to respect every student, which means you also have to use their right pronouns."

More and more students give comments and I can see the teacher is losing control.

"Everybody, sit down and shut up!"

Nobody listens.

"Okay, then! Everybody who agrees with me can stay, everybody who doesn't can go follow Y/N to detention!"

The class quiets down and a few people nod to eachother. We slowly grab our bags and walk out of class. I can't help but smile when I see almost everybody leave with me.

The teacher stares at us with an open mouth.

When I walk into detention, I see Y/N casually talking to a teacher. Apparently the teacher who was supposed to keep an eye on the students in detention was one of the ones Y/N would explain as amazing.

The teacher's head turns to the class walking in and she sighs.

"I'll go see Miss Rosebridge, you can all wait here."

As the teacher walks out, Y/N walks to me.

"Why is everybody here?"

"In short; I started a discussion with the teacher about your pronouns, she said the students that agreed wth me and you had to follow you to detention, so that's what we did."

"They all support me?"

"Of course they do!

Yeah, yeah, I know, I took awhile, sorry!

I was busy lately and had a bit of a writers block, but here I finally present to you another oneshot.

Oh, and we got to 10K reads.

*high pitched squeal*


You're all amazing and fabulous and smart and amazing─ did I already say that?

Anyway, I love each one of you!

XXX EVeR0208

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⏰ Last updated: May 08 ⏰

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