5. He's real?

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In this one it's like us now. Y/N's a real person, but he's a fictional character, but then a very real Mattheo magically appears in her room. 

Yes, it's again smut.

~Y/N's POV~

It was 10 pm and I was secretly reading stories on Wattpad. Especially the ones with Slytherin boys. I had a habit to always skip to the ones with Mattheo Riddle, since he was my favorite character. I might or might not have read some smut stories about him too. My hand might've moved down a few times while reading. Can you blame me?

As I was reading my screen lit up bright, but I didn't think much of it. It was an old thing, so I was used to the random shit it did. I was smiling like an idiot at the screen as the scene spiced up again, when I heard sounds from the dark. I didn't think much of it, since it were probably the curtains or something. Until the moment I heard a voice.

"I didn't know muggles were that obsessed with me..."

My eyes widened. That was his voice.

I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down. It's a dream, Y/N. You fell asleep and you're dreaming.

"Oh, no, princess, I don't think it is a dream..." 

The voice came from somewhere is the room, but I couldn't really figure out from where. Until I heard slow footsteps. A person came out of the shadows. It was Mattheo. His lips were curved into a smirk and he ran a hand trough his dark curls.

"Hello, love..." he whispered.

"Wh-How? You're a fictional character! You can't actually be here. I must be dreaming..." I said, mostly to myself.

He stepped closer and gently caressed my cheek. "Does this feel like a dream?"

"No..." I whispered. It did feel very real.

His hand moved down to my neck and slowly caressed there, too. "And this?"

My voice was starting to dissapear. "N-no..."

He smirked and placed his other hand on my waist to pull me closer. "And this?"

Fuck, he was even hotter up close. I swallowed. "No..." My voice was barely a whisper.

"I love how you're all flustered..." His hand caressed my cheek again, then his thumb trailed my bottom lip. "May I?"

Did he just ask me if he could kiss me? I nodded and his lips softly brushed over mine. This is real. Fuck. This is fucking real.

~Mattheo's POV~

I chuckled as I heard her thoughts. This girl was very interesting. And hot. I could see in her mind she was insecure, but I didn't know why. In my eyes she was perfect. Her beautiful hair, her eyes, her body... I couldn't stop looking over her. 

I could feel she wanted more once she realised this was real. I kissed her more passionately, while both my hands moved down to grab her hips to hold her against me. Her hands were on my chest and her lips moved against mine.

My tongue slipped inside her mouth and our tongues rhythmically against eachother. I pushed her against a wall and moved my lips down to her neck, while she tried to catch her breath. My fingers moved underneath the hem of her shirt, but I paused to make sure she was okay with this. I looked up to see her face and she nodded at me. I took off her shirt and my gaze immediately locked with her breasts. No bra. I smirked.

"Beautiful..." I muttered and softly pressed kisses against them. A soft moan escaped her lips and I chuckled.

I hooked my fingers around the waistband of her pants to pull them down, while still pressing kisses against her breasts. When she was only in her panties, I lifted her up and placed her on her bed. I took off my shirt and kissed her again. Her thoughts were going crazy.

I pulled back after a few seconds and pulled her panties off. I kissed her behind her ear as I slipped one finger in her already wet pussy. She moaned again, louder this time.

"Quiet, princess, we don't wanna wake anyone..." I whispered. She bit her lip to keep quiet and, God, she looked even hotter when she did that.

I added another finger and moved both of them against her walls. I saw how hard she was trying to keep quiet. When I hit her g-spot, she released her lip and I had to kiss her to keep her moan quiet. Her orgasm was getting closer the more I moved my fingers.

"Mattheo... I'm going to-," she got interrupted by a moan. "I'm going to come."

"Do it, princess, come over my fingers."

Her walls clamped around me and her liquids spilled over my fingers. I slipped my fingers out and licked them, not breaking eye-contact.

~Y/N's POV~

The way he kept eye-contact as he licked his fingers felt like the only assurance that this wasn't a dream. He pressed his lips against mine again and I tasted myself on his tongue. His lips moved down to my neck again and he held himself up with one hand, while the other took off his pants and boxers.

"Ready, love?" he whispered, aligning himself with my pussy. I nodded, my voice left awhile ago. 

He moved the tip between my folds before sliding in, making me moan. He let me adjust to his size for a few seconds. Then I nodded and he started thrusting. My fingers dug into his shoulders as he moved in and out my pussy. He quickened the pace after awhile and I moaned again. I felt the orgasm get closer again and I knew Mattheo knew too.

I moaned his name and he kissed my neck again. "You can come, princess..."

My body twitched and I did as he said. He kept trusting until he was also close.

"Can I-fuck. Can I come inside you?" he asked, against my neck.

I nodded and felt him come inside me. He slipped out and flopped down beside me. He wrapped his arms around me to pull me closer.

"You're perfect..." he whispered.

YES! More smut! You're welcome. This is one of my best chapters in my opinion. What did you think?

Also: OH. MY. GOD. I HAVE ALREADY 200 READS FOR THIS BOOK! WOW! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! This made my day when I saw. No, correction: this made my year. THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU!

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