Elf-Con 1!

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It's funny to think that after a simple yet unexpected accident could lead to the best thing in the entire world. 8 years ago, a selfish business man named Scott Calvin accidentally "killed" Santa Claus on the night of Christmas Eve, 1994. Once he put on the suit, his life changed for the better along with his eldest daughter Merry. Throughout their journey, the two forged a binding contract when Scott puts on the red suit and Merry puts on the red hat, changing physically and spiritually. It was also thanks to the help of a certain head elf named Bernard. Sure the 1600 year old elf can be a bit stern at times, but his heart of gold makes up for it, especially for Merry Calvin. While Scott transformed into Santa, Merry turned into a magical elf. Sure it was hard to leave their family behind, but as time went by, things became better around Christmas time, almost.

Currently, Bernard was monitoring the elves building toys, wrapping presents, checking letters to Santa, and baking cookies, making sure everything was perfect by Christmas time. Merry was just minding her own business until she noticed the worrisome head elf pacing around the workshop. It was then the magical elf decided to come up to him and accompany him, "Please don't tell me you're overworking yourself again, Bernard" she said
"Merry, perfect timing, I need your help with something" said Bernard, marching past her towards the other side of the workshop, "Can you conjure up a few tools for the toymakers? For some reason, the ones we had before either disappear from existence or mysteriously break. I don't know who's behind all this, but I'll get to the bottom of it"
"I can, but first and foremost, when was the last time you got any sleep? You know you can't keep doing this to yourself, Bernard, it's not safe. I'm sure Santa wouldn't be pleased"
Bernard stops and turns to face the female elf, "I know you're worried about me, Sugarplum. But as the Head Elf, I have to make sure everything is perfect!"

Merry sighed and held Bernard's hands in her own, "You're overthinking things, Bernard" she said calmly, "Please take a break, I know this is important, but you should focus on yourself. I can take care of this while you rest in your office, okay? Please, Bernard"
Bernard glanced down at Merry, trying to resist the innocent yet pleading look in Merry's eyes until he sighed in defeat, "Okay, Sugarplum" he said, "I'll take a break, but only for 10 minutes"
"30 minutes"
Merry gives Bernard a peck on the cheek before walking off, "If I catch you doing anything but resting, I'll tie you to a chair with tinsel" she called
"Understood" said Bernard, making his way to his office before glancing at Merry from a distance, seeing her doing a fine job at monitoring the elves. A smile appeared on his face watching the girl he grew to love be in charge of the situation.

Just before Bernard could step into his office, an elf comes up to him and tells him about a plane flying close to the North Pole's location. Merry notices this and follows the head elf towards the control center, "I thought I told you to take a break, Mister!" she hissed
"It's an emergency, Sugarplum" said Bernard, "As much I'd love to take a break, exposing the very existence of the North Pole is twice as important"
"Fine, but just this once"
The two finally make it to the control room, seeing one of the monitors had a plane flying towards the location. "They're coming right at us!" said an Elf
"Take us to Elf-Con 3" Bernard commands, keeping an eye on the monitors which shows the plane flying closer. The elves down in the workshop stop what they're doing as soon as the alarms for Elf-Con 3 start going off. The head elf plops himself down on a chair to help the stressed out elf with coordinates, his eyes focused on the screen before him. "These guys aren't stopping" he said in shock
"Take us to Elf-Con 2" said Merry, "Sound the alarm for the man in red"
"You got it" said an elf, setting an alarm for Elf-Con 2 along with an emergency button to call on Santa Claus himself.

When Santa arrived at the control center, looking through a telescope, he knew this was an act of emergency, "There's a partridge in a pear tree" he said, "You take us to Elf-Con 1. Let's rig the silent running"
"You heard the man, take us to Elf-Con 1, let's go!" said Merry, making sure not a creature was stirring throughout the workshop, not even a mouse. The plane continued to fly over the North Pole until a sound was heard. It wasn't an elf speaking, but Christmas music coming from somewhere in the workshop. The song was none other than "Santa Claus is Coming to Town" playing in the background. It was soft but loud enough for the humans on the plane to hear it. "Find out where that music's coming from" said Santa
"No need, Dad" said Merry, "I know where it's coming from"

The female elf leads Santa and Bernard to the location, leaving the control room carefully and quietly until they reach the stables where an elf was listening to the song on a Santa Claus toy in the sleigh. This was Curtis, a 900 year old elf with a somewhat bad reputation and always by the book, a bit too much by the book. The look of frustration was shown on both Bernard and Merry's faces when they saw the young elf causing trouble without knowing it. The female quickly appeared behind Curtis and covered his mouth while Santa carefully turned off the music, waiting for the plane to disappear. "We're in Elf-Con 4, all clear!" said an elf through the speakers, showing that the plane was gone and everyone in the workshop was safe. "Curtis, what do you say we get you headphones this Christmas?" asked Santa before stepping out of the stable.

Curtis looked up at the rather annoyed Merry and smiled, "Merry, you look lovely today" he said, trying to sweet talk the female elf, "Did you add new tinsel in your hair?"
"Save it" said Merry, not impressed, "We'll talk about this later"
The female follows Santa as Bernard glared down at number two elf, "Curtis, you're 900 years old, grow up!"
"Bernard" called Merry, the head elf walks towards Santa and the female elf obediently, despite how angry he was at the young elf. The female elf placed a comforting hand on the head elf's shoulder to calm him down, "Deep breaths, Bernard" she said, "Just like we practiced, also your break might have to wait until after Christmas"
"What makes you say that, Merry?" asked Bernard
"Cause I'm getting a feeling something might happen this year. Not sure what it is, but I could feel it"

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