The Faculty Christmas Party

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There were only a few days left until Christmas, which means kids were home for the holidays, much to their relief. Scott decided to stop by Carol's house for a visit, only to see her in a lovely black dress, getting ready to go out for the night. He apologized, saying he should've called beforehand, but Carol told him it was okay, allowing Scott inside the house.
"Is there a problem?" she asked, curious as to why Scott was here.
"No, No. I just..." Scott hesitates for a moment, "I wondered if... if-if you would... Do you wanna get some noodles?... or pie?"
Carol raised a brow, confused as to what the man was asking
"But I don't want to keep you from your date, so..."
"Oh, it's not a date" said Carol, "It's a faculty Christmas party. Is that your idea of a night on the town? Noodles and pie?"

Carol couldn't help but giggle, seeing Scott had never asked a woman out on a date in a long time. Scott then asked what her ideal date would be. The woman gladly answered, saying a pizza and watching a movie, thin crust of course. The movie she had in mind was Two for The Road, starring Audrey Hepburn and Albert Finney.
"Movie's okay, the car was the star" said Scott, mentioning the 1953 MG TD in racing green and wire wheel
"I'm impressed" said Carol, "That is a great car. My favorite car"
The two went on talking about how the car may be beautiful, but it's hard to drive in the rain. Then Scott got an idea, "You know I could drive you to your party"
"That would be great" said Carol, "Except for, eventually, I going to have to go home"
"Well, I could pick you up"
"So you're going to drop me off, then come back to pick me up?
Scott didn't think this through, he'd admit, just not out loud.

"Why don't you just stay?" asked Carol, offering the man to join her at the party. Scott agrees as Carol grabs her coat and steps outside. To her surprise, a beautiful horse drawn sleigh was waiting for the two outside, which caused the dial on Scott's watch to go down to 6. This meant he had to be extremely careful when it comes to using his magic as Scott Calvin. Once the two entered the sleigh, a cup of hot cocoa was waiting for them to keep warm on the cold winter's night.
"Do you mind if I ask something personal?" asked Carol, "You look really different"
"The weight," said Scott, "Well, you know, it's Indian tea and lots of salves and stuff. My daughter's idea, it's uh... she wanted to make sure that this time of year, I really shine"
"Yeah, I can't wait till it's over, though. Streets are crowded, the malls are jammed, people max out their credit cards, it's noisy"
Hearing this reminded Scot of himself before he became Santa. The hatred for the holidays, forced to spend time with his kids as much as possible, even not believing in Santa. But then the words "Seeing isn't believing, believing is seeing"

Carol explained the possibility of why she became this way was a moment in her childhood. When she was little, Carol used to love Christmas. It was her favorite time of year, a day where her parents didn't fight, they were at each other's throats all the time, except when it comes to Christmas. Her dad used to make this charade so Carol believed in Santa by leaving a cot on the couch, cocoa and cookies, even carrots for the reindeer. When she wakes up in the morning, young Carol would find the cookies and cocoa gone, the cot would be mussed, carrots gnawed, and the most incredible presents under the tree. However, the one present she cherished the most as a kid was a Baby Doll, which was pink, soft, and beautiful. Carol believed in Santa so much that she'd get into fights with kids at school who try to tell her he didn't exist. One day, she came home with a bloody nose and that was when her parents decided to tell her to grow up.

Scott felt bad for Carol's childhood, it was no wonder how she turned out this way. But of course, he didn't blame her since grown ups have a hard time believing in Santa, it just goes away. "Okay, good, good, Carol! This is a great sleigh riding conversation" Carol spoke to herself, feeling a bit embarrassed about talking about her personal life to a man she barely knew. But something about Scott seemed warm and friendly to her, that it just happened.
"It's a fine conversation" said Scott, reassuring the woman
"A person just wants something to believe in, you know?"
"Yes, I know. Yes, I know"
"Okay, we have cocoa. We have a blanket. A horse-drawn sleigh. The only thing that's-"
Suddenly, snow starts falling from the night sky, bringing a smile on Carol's face.
"What?" asked Scott
"It's snowing" said Carol, pointing it out
"As if by magic?"
"Yes. That's what I was going to say, that it should be snowing"
The two laughed with joy as the horse-drawn sleigh headed off to the school with snow falling from the sky, all thanks to Scott's magic.

The faculty party was anything but fun, with teachers just standing around, barely having small talk or even standing awkwardly. Carol felt pretty bad for bringing Scott here, but he assured her that everything was fine. He kindly excused himself, making his way to the stage where a beautiful Christmas tree was shown in the center. This grabbed everyone's attention, including Carol's, seeing as that tree wasn't there before. Scott Calvin presents himself, center stage, a smile on his face and welcoming everyone to the Christmas Party. "Okay, what I think, folks, is that a lot of you just forgot what the true spirit of Christmas is all about" he said, "Well, if you're not willing to dance or laugh or flirt or risk the buffet, I don't think we have much choice. So before the choir gets out here, I saw we rock this house with a secret Santa! Huh?"

The faculty looked confused, seeing there was never a Secret Santa planned for anyone. But Scott reassured there were presents backstage, inside a large red sack. The man pulls out a large present from the sack, calling out to a faculty member named John Pierce, or JJ as his mother used to call him. John was hesitant to grab the present, opening it slowly until he realized it was his favorite game as a kid, Toss Across. This surprised the man, including the other faculty members. This went on as each of them handed a present, showing games and toys from their childhood, their inner child coming out of its shell. This was where the real party begins, the members playing games and toys like there was no tomorrow, the true meaning of Christmas. The man glanced down at his watch, seeing the dial reaching for two. Scott saved one gift for Carol, making his way toward the principal with a smile on his face, "Hey party animal, you wanna play?"
"I just can't figure it out," said Carol, "I mean, the secret Santa thing. Someone tracked down and bought all those wonderful antique toys"
"Probably someone who knows his way around eBay"
Scott hands Carol the present, telling her to open it to reveal what it was. To Carol's surprise, it was a beautiful soft pink Baby Doll, the very one she used to have as a kid in perfect condition.

Carol was on the brink of tears, dragging Scott out of the gymnasium towards the end of the hall, asking how he knew about this when she told him about the Baby Doll only an hour ago. Scott couldn't explain it, saying it just came to him in a way. Carol was stunted but also impressed, "I-I don't know how you did it" she said, "It's like some kind of magic"
"Yeah, sort of like some kind of magic" Scott agreed, "And pretty much the last that I have"
Carol looked confused, not understanding what he meant. Instead, she laughed it off, saying she didn't want to know but it was wonderful. She then gives Scott a peck on the cheek, much to their surprise. "Sorry" Carol apologized, "I shouldn't have done that. Is that okay?"
"Yeah" said Scott, "Got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach"
Before the two could pull in for a kiss, something magical happened. Above their heads was a beautiful mistletoe growing above the exit. It wasn't Scott's magic that did this, but he knew exactly who was doing it, Merry.

Up in the North Pole, Merry was watching from the crystal ball, using the last bit of magic to create the mistletoe above Carol and Scott. "Merry," Curtis said sadly, "Why did you do that? You used your last bit of magic"
"I know" said Merry, smiling sadly at the crystal ball in her hand, "But it's to save my dad just a little magic so he can come home"
"But why?"
"Because he finally did it. He finally found The Mrs. Clause"
The crystal ball shows Scott and Carol kissing beneath the mistletoe as snow falls in the background. The image fades once Bernard placed a blanket over the teen's shoulder, "Get some rest, Sugarplum" he said, using his own magic to put Merry to sleep in his office. A sad smile appeared on his face before exchanging a look of worry in both elves' eyes.

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