Toy Santa Takes The North Pole

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It was time for the plan to set in motion. Merry changed out of her Christmas outfit to her normal human clothes to keep her warm, now that she's human until Scott is able to return to the North Pole. Curtis was given clear instructions that if anything were to happen to Bernard or Merry, possibly both, he would take the jetpack and fly straight to Chicago in order to bring the real Santa Home. Merry even gave the young elf her crystal ball so Scott could see what happened while he was away. Bernard and Merry stood side by side as they entered the workshop, watching as Toy Santa appeared in a black military uniform and a wicked grin on his face.

"Merry Christmas! Ho ho ho!" Toy Santa cheered, seeing no one responded to his call. He then decided to turn off the machinery, which stopped the elves from working and gave his attention. "That's better, Merry Christmas!" he said once again, presenting a large red sack, "That's nice, I have a little announcement to make"
Bernard and Merry shared a concern glance
"From this moment forward, we're not gonna be making any more toys"
The elves glanced and utter at one another with concern and confusion
"The children of the world don't deserve these presents. They're running rampant with naughtiness. So this Christmas, we're gonna give those greedy selfish little kids exactly what they deserve"
Toy Santa then pulls out what he calls a 'beautiful, high-quality, yet low-sulfur' lump of coal. This caused an uproar upon the working elves, shocked that 'Santa' would do such a thing. Merry and Bernard try to calm them down until Toy Santa spoke again.

"We have to focus, all of us, on the goals ahead" he said, "And just to make sure that that happens..."
Toy Santa kindly takes a blow horn from a friendly elf nearby, chucking to himself before showing his wicked plastic grin, "Now, I hate to blow my own horn"
With the sound of his horn, an army of large Toy soldiers appear, surrounding the elves with smiles on their faces. This was the time that Merry and Bernard came clean, marching straight to the Naughty and Nice center.
"Everybody!" yelled Merry, "Don't listen to him! This guy's not Santa!"
The elves start to panic even more, finally seeing that the Santa before them wasn't the one they know and love.
Bernard steps in, "It's true!" He said, "He's a toy! He has a rubber face and a plastic tushy!"
Toy Santa orders the toy soldiers to "take care" of the two troublemakers, smiling down with pride.
"The real Santa's in Chicago!" said Merry, trying to fight against the toy soldiers, "But he will come back I promise!"
"Trust us, please!" Bernard begged, "Don't let him ruin Christmas!"

This was Curtis' cue to get out before it's too late. While Toy Santa and his soldiers were busy giving coal for the elves, the young elf quickly escapes, making his way to the E.L.F.S. and grab the nearest jetpack so he could warn Scott Calvin of the dangers in the North Pole. The toy soldiers gladly placed Merry and Bernard under "house arrest", tying them back to back in a big red ribbon so they wouldn't escape. No matter how much they struggled, neither one of them could escape. Toy Santa enters the room with a frown upon his face, "Well, I hope you're happy, you little trouble makers" he said, "You didn't follow my rules, so therefore, you made it here. I hope you have some last words to say"
"Yeah, let us go, Wannabe Ken" Merry hissed with an icy glare
Toy Santa laughed, leaning in towards the girl with a grin, "Let me think about that... NO!"
The toy's eyes then noticed the silver bell and holly around her neck, ripping it off with ease. Bernard glared at Toy Santa and struggled against the ribbon, "Leave her alone!" he yelled, "Just let the elves go"
"Not gonna happen, Bernard" said Toy Santa, "And you certainly don't need this piece of junk, you probably didn't even deserve it"

Toy Santa tossed the necklace out the window without hesitation, laughing to himself before taking a final bow and leaving the room. Bernard couldn't help but feel sorry for Merry, holding her hand tight as a form of comfort, "We'll be okay, Sugarplum" he said, "When your dad gets back, he'll save Christmas, like he did last time"
"How could you know for sure?" asked Merry, "What if he used his last bit of magic already?"
"Even if he did, it wouldn't matter to me"
Merry paused, "what do you mean?"
"Well... if things don't go as planned, I'll just... go with you, if you let me"
"You mean... you would give up your eternal youth and leave the North Pole... for me?"
"But why? I thought you loved being the Head Elf"
"I do but..." Bernard paused, building up the courage to finally say, "Not as much as I love you, Merry"

Merry paused, shocked by the head elf's sudden confession. She wasn't sure if it was because they're finally alone or the fact that Toy Santa was taking over the North Pole. Bernard swallowed the lump in his throat before he continued, "This may sound a bit strange, but I've been in love with you even before we met. Your kindness is one thing, but the moment you became a big sister, making sure your brother Charlie was happy and safe, it made me realize I was falling for you. When I finally got to see you in person, it felt like a dream that I never wanted to wake up from. Even when you became an elf, I thought Cupid must've shot his arrow through my chest, cause I thought you were the most beautiful elf I'd ever laid eyes on"
Bernard's confession brought a smile to the teen's face, even a blush appeared on her cheeks. "My turn" she said, "I've honestly had a crush on you since we first met. The moment you called me 'Sugarplum' for the first time, it somehow made my heart flutter each time I heard it. But it's not just that. The more time we spent together through the Santification process, the magic lessons, even when you told me about how elves were created, made me realize that I was falling even harder for you."

Bernard felt a sense of relief, seeing the girl of his dreams felt the same way for him. At this moment, he couldn't stop smiling, "What do you say about being my girlfriend after all this is over?" he asked.
Merry giggled in response, confusing the head elf before saying, "I kinda thought we were already dating"
"We were?"
"Oh, come on, Bernard. The pet names, comforting each other, the pecks on the cheek, that's what couple do"
The head elf thought about it for a moment, realizing that they had been a couple for the past 8 years without knowing it. A gasp escaped his lips, "Wait, we are dating!"
Merry couldn't help but giggle
"It's not funny, Merry"
"Sorry," said Merry, "I couldn't help it, your reaction was just too cute"

Bernard blushed, "Well... hopefully if your dad does become Santa again, on our break, I could take you on a proper date?"
"Sounds good to me, but let's get out of this mess first"
"Right" Bernard and Merry struggle against the ribbon, trying their very best to set themselves free until they are out of breath. After a moment, Bernard takes a deep breath and says, "Let's think about this for a moment"
"Agreed" said Merry, coming to the conclusion that this was going to take a while.

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