Meeting Newman

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In Chicago's Sycamore Secondary School, Laura and Neil were waiting for Scott's arrival and spoke with the principal of the school to talk about Charlie's behavior as of late. When Scott finally arrived from the North Pole, his once white hair suddenly became gray, which showed signs that the de-Santification process was affecting him. Laura greets the man with a hug along with Neil, who also took notice of the man's weight going down. Ever since the incident 8 years ago, the relationship between Neil and Scott only blossomed, even between Merry and him, despite hardly visiting due to her work at the Pole. As the three make their way through the halls of the school, Laura couldn't help but ask how Scott knew there was a problem. Just like the song, Santa always knows when you're asleep and knows when you're awake.
"It's a pretty frightening concept if you ask me," said Neil, weirded out by the idea of the song.
"Oh, Scott, we're really worried about Charlie" said Laura, "He keeps upping the ante. This time he defaced school property"
"It's a classic case of acting, even Merry went through this years ago, remember?"
"I'm blaming myself for this" said Scott, disappointed for not visiting Charlie as much as possible since he became Santa Claus.

Before stepping into the office, a woman with blonde hair and a rather stern look appeared before them. This was Carol Newman, Principal of Sycamore Secondary School, a rather frightening woman to the students, even a single stare would stop a delinquent from causing any trouble. She smiled at the three as Scott gave her a salute like he was in the military, much to Newman's disappointment. "I haven't seen you since the last time Charlie was in trouble" she said, surprised the father of his child even showed
"Well, I've been traveling for work" said Scott, "My daughter Merry is also studying abroad, you know"
"So I was told. Oh, and maybe if you spent more time with your son, there'd be fewer problems"
"Maybe, but then I wouldn't spend so much time with you, which is always such a pleasure"
Newman wasn't amused by Scott's sarcasm until she spotted a student skateboarding in the hallways. She makes her way towards him, causing the student to stop and pick up his board in fear. After their small chat, Principal Newman guides the three adults to her office where Charlie is waiting for them in silence.

Principal Newman showed pictures of the graffiti Charlie made the other night in the school gym through her laptop, showing it was an affront to authority and blatant disrespect of property. "I feel that if this sort of thing continues, I'll have no other recourse than to suspend
Scott stops Newman mid sentence, "Is there a rest stop between here and the end of the lecture?" he asked sarcastically, "Because I'm more interested in why this happened in the first place"
"So am I" said Newman before turning her attention to the teen, "Charlie, we're all worried about you. It feels to me like you're trying to get someone's attention"
Charlie shrugged silently in response, unable to answer the question.
"Dr. Miller?" asked Newman, "Do you have any theories?"
Scott silently begged the principal not to ask Neil about his 'theories' on teenage behavior. But Neil smiled and gladly answered the question, "Well, frankly, I have several"
"Here we go" said Scott, "Lets just order a pizza"
"Scott, you're not helping" Laura whispered
Neil continues, "I was listening to a new tape series on child development just last night"

Scott bangs his head on the file cabinets purposefully to stop Neil from talking, "You know what the problem is? Excuse me, Neil" he said, "It's four weeks till Christmas. That's a major holiday in December"
Newman acts slightly surprised as Charlie smiled softly
"Have you noticed the hallways in this school? There's not a decoration, not a twinkle light, not an expression of the joys kids are supposed to be feeling this time of year. What kind of a school are you running?"
"A public school, Mr. Calvin" said Newman bluntly, "A top-academic-rated  public school in the district. That takes a lot of effort. And money. And spending any of that money on holiday decorations would take away from the things that truly matter"
"Forgive me, but I think holiday cheer is what matters"
The bickering continues for a while until Laura finally breaks it off and asks, "What are we gonna do with Charlie? We're all really worried about him"
Scott glanced down at Charlie, telling him what he did was wrong and that he will not do it again. Charlie shrugged and said "okay" before leaving the office with his father following close behind, even leaving some money for Newman to decorate for once.

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