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Back at the North Pole, Merry watched the scene unfold of Charlie and Scott through the crystal ball. She was sitting in Santa's office with Bernard and Curtis keeping a close eye on Toy Santa, who was practicing his Ho-Ho-Ho's in front of the mirror for the past 15 minutes or so. The head elf tried to be supportive of the young elf by saying, "Yeah. No, no, I-I think this is gonna work. Go-good job, Curtis"
The young elf could see right through the taller elf and rolled his eyes, "Will it kill you guys to give a compliment with your whole heart?"
"Yes" said Merry, "On the account of the de-Santifcation process affecting both me and my actual father"
"Now, now, Sugarplum, let's try to remain calm" said Bernard, making his way toward the female elf to ease her stress a bit, "All we have to do is make sure the elves won't notice any changes happening to you"
"Easier said than done"

It was then Curtis handed the Toy Santa the handbook to review and revise. Of course as the young elf said, the toy version of Santa may look like an exact copy, but there are a few, or rather a lot, of flaws that need to be fixed. One was to make sure he knew all the rules so the elves wouldn't suspect a thing. Second, was to make sure to follow those said rules exactly.  Of course, Toy Santa didn't understand what the young elf meant the first time, until he took the book and walked to Santa's desk without giving directions. Bernard and Merry took notice of this, surprised that the toy version of Santa knew exactly where it was.
"How does he know where his desk is?" asked Bernard
"Well, I programed him that way" said Curtis, "He has most of Santa's memories"
"Most?" asked Merry, "So he doesn't have all of Santa's memories, just the 'important work' ones?"
"Okay!" said Toy Santa, "I'll memorize everything in the book! I'll follow all the rules. Cause' they're very important"

Bernard and Merry shared a worried glance, until the taller elf noticed a slight change in the female elf. He gently placed the hood over Merry's head, earning a confused look on her face, "What are you doing?" she asked
"Your cheeks aren't rosy" he whispered, "Just wanna make sure no one would notice"
Merry blushed a bit from the head elf's gentle touch as Abby the elf entered the office with a cup of cocoa for 'Santa'. "Hi Santa" said Abby, noticing the red man's 'new look' the moment she made eye contact with him, "Oh, you look-"
"Like he got a good night's sleep" said Bernard
"... Like you got a very good night's sleep"
Toy Santa glanced at Curtis for some help as Abby offered him a cup of cocoa. Curtis smiled and nodded, Toy Santa does the same with his mouth open. Merry silently mimics Toy Santa to close his mouth, which he did so quietly, before taking the cocoa from the young female elf. He chugs it down, as Curtis silently demonstrates, making sure not a single drop was left behind.

"Ah!" he screamed, surprising Abby for a moment, "Woah! That's delicious! I like cocoa!"
The Toy Santa goes on saying cocoa is a supreme beverage and demands more of the hot beverage, much to Abby's delight. "I think Santa's feeling a little buzzed!" Toy Santa cheered, earning a concerned smile from Bernard and a proud one from Curtis. Merry on the other hand couldn't stand it anymore and quietly excused herself before leaving Santa's office. Bernard took notice and watched the female elf leave with worry, "Curtis, keep an eye on him" he said, "And make sure he doesn't say or do anything"
"Why?" asked Curtis
Bernard didn't answer as he leaves the office in search of Merry. By the time he reaches toward her bedroom, he finds Merry pacing around the room anxiously. This reminded him of himself whenever he felt frustrated or uneasy when Christmas was far too close and everything was behind schedule.

Bernard cleared his throat, which caught the female elf's attention, "Merry?" he asked, "I understand you're stressed. Believe me, I'm just as worried about Santa as you are"
"Which one?" asked Merry, "The real Santa or the Ken doll?"
"You know who I mean"
Merry sighed and hugged Bernard, burying her face into the crook of his neck, "I'm sorry, Bernard. I guess I'm just overthinking things, especially with Christmas coming up"
"It's alright, Merry, I understand" Bernard holds the female elf close, running his fingers through her long dark hair, tinsel shining in the light of the white and blue bedroom, "I get like this too sometimes, just breathe and clear your mind. That's what you taught me, remember?"

Merry smiled and took a few deep breaths, easing the stress flowing through her body, with Bernard holding her hands tight. Once she was calm, the female elf smiled and placed a hand on Bernard's cheek, "Thank you, Bernard" she said, "I appreciate you looking after me and my dad"
"It's my pleasure, Sugarplum" said Bernard, smiling down at Merry, "Why don't you take the rest of the day off? I'll have Judy bring you some hot apple cider and sit by the fire, you need to keep warm, also get plenty of sleep while you're at it"
Before Merry could stop the head elf, Bernard kissed her cheek quickly and left the room in a hurry, leaving Merry stunned. The head elf blushed, realizing he just kissed the girl he liked on the cheek, marching his way back to Santa's office without making eye contact with the other elves. Merry couldn't stop smiling and decided to change into her pajamas, only to realize her ears looked more human when she pulled her hair into a bun. She froze, staring at the mirror in shock, "That's not good"

Meanwhile, Bernard and Curtis were walking with Toy Santa throughout the workshop, making sure all is well with the elves making toys for Christmas. Toy Santa was reading the handbook while shouting "Ho Ho Ho, you're doing a wonderful job" over and over.
"You're doing great" said Bernard, "You could dial it down a little on the Ho Ho Ho's, but otherwise you're gold"
Once Toy Santa was a good distance away, the head elf turned his attention to the smiling young elf. "Why don't you just say it?" asked Curtis
"Say what?" asked Bernard, "That I'm in love with Merry or something?"
"That wasn't it"
Bernard blushed and cleared his throat awkwardly
"What I was hoping you would say is, 'You were right, Curtis, I was wrong' "
"Okay, okay, I admit it. They're happy, working hard, everything's going to be fine"

At least that's what the head elf thought. Toy Santa marched up to the two elves and points out the handbook, "This book is very interesting reading" he said, "There's a lot of rules right here in the North Pole they're not following"
"That's what I've been saying all along" said Curtis, agreeing with Toy Santa, "Things have gotten a little too sloppy around here"
Bernard glanced at the two with concern as they made their way to the other side of the workshop. He made his way to his office, startled at the sight of Merry's sudden presence in the room in her blue dress and shoulder cloak. The head elf quickly closed the door and marched over to the female, "What are you doing here, Merry?" he asked, "I told you to stay in your room to rest"
"I'm sorry, Bernard, but this is important" said Merry, removing her hood to reveal her human ears.
Bernard stared in shock, seeing the de-Santification process was affecting her much faster than expected.
"Luckily I still have a bit of magic, but I can't use it unless it's necessary"
"Good thinking, Sugarplum" said Bernard, "But you should really go back"

Merry stops Bernard and looks him dead in the eye, as if she knew something was up, "Bernard, something's upsetting you, I know it"
Bernard hesitates and tells her about Toy Santa wanting to make 'changes' around the North Pole, with Curtis' help, all because of the handbook. Merry sighed in disappointment, not in Bernard, but in Curtis. "I can't believe this" she said, "900 years old and yet he makes another mistake"
"It was his idea," said Bernard, "But we can't do anything about it right now. Not until your dad comes back... I hope"
"We better check up on him"
Merry pulls out the crystal ball from her satchel and sits down with Bernard next to her, "Show us Scott Calvin"

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