The Mrs. Clause

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After the emergency shut down, Santa decided to go on patrol to make sure the elves returned to work since Christmas is around the corner and November was coming to an end. Bernard and Merry stood beside the jolly man while Curtis tried to keep up with the group, "Now hold on, just a minute!" said the young elf, pulling out a rather large handbook from his messenger bag, "You know I didn't break any of the rules, according to the Santa Handbook-"
"The handbook~" said Bernard sarcastically, "Curtis, do you go pee-pee with that thing?"
"I certainly hope not" said Merry, "But probably"
Curtis rolled his eyes before speaking, "It says elves are encouraged to listen to music. It makes them more creative, more productive, and more alert"
"Not while we're in an Elf-Con related situation"
"Look out!"

The four quickly ducked, Bernard placing a hand over Merry's head to keep her safe, as a reindeer was flying out of control until he crash landed on a nearby roof. Once the coast was clear, they stood up to check the damage the reindeer caused. Thankfully, the reindeer was not seriously injured.
"That's gonna leave a mark" said Santa, "Is that Blitzen? Looks like Prancer"
"That would be neither" said Merry, "I think that was Chet"
"Our reindeer in training"
"Well, please tell me that it's early in his training. Wow, nice fall"
With a nice pat on Bernard's shoulder, Santa makes his way back to the workshop and checks on the elves' progress with the toys.

Bernard made sure the coast was clear before glaring down at the young elf, "Curtis, when are you gonna tell him?" he whispered
"Not now" Curtis replied
"Tell him what?" asked Merry
Bernard and Curtis froze, glancing at the female elf in a panic. "Uhh... that-that Comet ate all of Santa's cookies again" Curtis lied, smiling awkwardly. Merry raised a brow, clearly not buying the lie the young elf just told. Bernard hesitates before slowly making his way to Merry, "Now don't be mad, Sugarplum" he said
"Why?" asked Merry. The head elf whispered into the female elf's ear, which resulted in Merry glaring at Curtis, "How could you not tell Santa about this?"
"I will... eventually" said Curtis.

Merry sighed and shook her head, "This is definitely worse then the news I have for my dad"
"What news?" asked Bernard, "How bad is it?"
Merry hesitates before leaning towards the two elves, "It's about Charlie"
"Sheen?" asked Bernard and Curtis
"No, no, no. Not that Charlie"
It was then Bernard realized the 'Charlie' Merry was walking about was her little brother, Charlie Calvin. This could really affect Santa in more ways than one, but the main problem was what Curtis recently discovered and set the Charlie problem aside. The three elves then make their way to the workshop, keeping up with Santa as the jolly man in red checks on the progress of the toys.

By the time the three elves got to the workshop, they found Santa working a functioning toy car for kids to ride in, making sure the engine was purring just right. Once that was done, a young baker elf offered the jolly old man a fresh cookie from the kitchen, which Santa happily accepts. The baker elf even offered one for Merry, who kindly accepts it and uses her magic to conjure up a new whisk for the other.
"Here you go" she said
"Thank you, Merry" said the baker elf, making her way back to the kitchen with a smile on her face. Santa then comes up to one of the worker elves, who was having trouble with a kangaroo toy that keep falling on the table. "Alexander. Let's think" said Santa, "Take the hat off"
Alexander the elf does what Santa says, removing the hat off which made the kangaroo toy bounce properly on the table. This showed that the hat was causing too much counterweight. Alexander thanked the man in red before going back to work.

Finally, Santa stops and looks up at the elves in the present department upstairs, "Hey, Joey!" called Santa, "How's that static-free tinsel coming?"
"Hey, guys!" Joey the elf calls his coworkers, "Santa wants to see the new tinsel"
Without hesitation, the elves dump the new tinsel towards Santa from the second floor, which also ended up on Merry and Bernard. Of course, Santa didn't get mad, instead he suggested he and the elves settle things with a nice game of tinsel football outside, which they were delighted to do. When Santa leaves, Bernard and Merry remove the tinsel and turn their attention to the young elf. "Curtis, you need to tell him, right now" Bernard glared
"I don't know," said Curtis, unsure of himself, "He's so happy right now. Why do I have to be the one to tell him?!"
"Because, I'm the head elf, I don't give bad news. It's one of the perks of my seniority"
"Not to mention it's you who made the discovery, Curtis" said Merry, "And I can't tell him either, since I've got news of my own."

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