Lucy Meets Santa

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Once Santa, Charlie, and Merry finally finished delivering presents, they decided to stop at the Miller's to end the night with a bang. Charlie thought it was time to tell Lucy about his dad and sister on this one special night, after finally understanding those secrets. Lucy was fast asleep in her bed when Charlie quietly entered to wake up his baby sister. The little girl rubbed her eyes softly and looked up at her brother, "What, Charlie?" she asked tiredly
"Come downstairs with me. I want to see something" said Charlie, carefully picking up Lucy, carrying her down stairs to save her the trouble of walking to the living room. He then told her to look carefully at the fireplace, which suddenly became bigger and a man in red appeared from the chimney. Lucy was in awe, seeing Santa Claus himself enter the house and quietly walked up to her.

To Lucy, something about Santa felt familiar, like he knew him all her life.
"Uncle Scott?" she asked
Santa smirked and asked, "Do you have any twos?"
"Go fish! You are Santa! I knew it was you all along"
"And you were right"
A small noise came from the kitchen, where Merry steps out eating a snack Neil may or may not have left on the counter. "I see Neil still leaves his snacks out unattended" she said until she noticed Lucy and Charlie, tossing the snack back into the kitchen and wiping her hands. The little girl couldn't help but giggle as the female elf makes her way towards Lucy with a smile. "I believe we haven't had the pleasure of introducing one another, Lu-lu" said Merry with a wink
"It's you" said Lucy, "You're Merry!"
"That I am"

Lucy embraced her half sister, who happily returned the hug before placing her back on Charlie's lap. "My little brother here has told me a lot about you, Lucy" said Merry, "And I'm so happy to finally meet you"
"Me too, Merry" said Lucy before turning her attention back to Santa, poking his rosy cheek, "Uncle Scott, you look all rosy. Are you feeling better?"
"I'm feeling much, much better" said Santa
"Is there anything else I should know about?"
"I don't know. But you know, I think Charlie has something he wants to tell you"
Merry smiled at her two siblings before glancing at Santa, "I'll get Comet to the sleigh" she said before leaving through the backdoor to help the poor sick reindeer.

Charlie takes a deep breath before finally telling his little sister, "You know, Lucy, I was exactly your age when I found out my dad was Santa. But I couldn't tell anybody"
"I can't tell anybody either?" asked Lucy, pouting sadly
"No. But knowing it isn't a burden. It's a gift. Most kids stop believing in Santa when they grow up. But Merry and I get to believe in him forever."
Lucy smiled at her brother and hugged him tight, "I love you, Charlie" she said, "Thank you"
This was a loving moment between the two siblings until Merry comes back and tells Santa that the sleigh was ready and Comet was strapped in the back. Lucy then pulls away and glances at Merry, "But do we still get toys?!"
Merry giggled and crossed her arms over her chest, "If you ever get to bed and go to sleep like the other kids"

Santa and Merry make their way to the fireplace, telling the kids to have a Merry Christmas before going up the chimney and into the sleigh. Charlie and Lucy then went outside to witness Santa and Merry heading off into the night sky. The female elf then decided to leave a few things for Charlie and Lucy, using her magic to make small gifts for her siblings as they gently floated downward. Lucy catches a small red pouch which reveals a beautiful pink doll, while Charlie catches a new pair of roller skates for him to try once the snow melts. "Merry Christmas to all!" said Santa, "And to all a good night!"
Chet was leading the reindeer, a bit too excited which was a bit hard for Santa to handle. Thankfully, Merry was able to take over for him and keep the reindeer in training under control as they made their way back to the North Pole.

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