The Wedding of Santa and Mrs. Claus

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While Toy Santa was being taken care of, Merry was in Santa's office, adjusting her blue and white fur trimmed dress before taking a  look in the mirror. She still had the appearance of a human, but a special part of her was missing. Her hand was placed over her chest where her silver bell and holly necklace once was before Toy Santa threw it away. Merry then felt a tap on her shoulder, looking down to see Curtis holding the very necklace in his hand, "I believe this is yours?" he said with a smile
"My necklace!" Merry smiled, kindly taking the necklace from the young elf
"I found it while we were battling the toy soldiers. I made sure not to break it since you really treasure it"
Curtis gasped as the teenaged girl hugs him out of the blue, surprised by the action, he wasn't sure what to do. "Thank you, Curtis" said Merry, "for the necklace, I mean. And thank you for bringing my dad back"
Curtis smiled as soon as Merry pulled away and bows like a gentleman, "The pleasure is mine, my lady"

Merry giggled when Bernard stepped into Santa's office and kindly dismissed the young elf so the two could be alone. The head elf noticed the necklace in the female's hand, smiling at her before asking, "May I?"
Merry smiled and hands Bernard the necklace, "You may"
Bernard kindly takes the necklace as Merry moves her brown and tinsel hair, allowing the other to put the necklace on. The feeling of his fingers brushing against her neck felt all too familiar, the memories of 8 years ago swimming in Merry's mind. The first time Bernard ever put the necklace around her neck, the scent of peppermint and cocoa filled her nose in delight. Once Bernard pulled away, he whispered in her ear, "You can look now, Sugarplum"
Merry glanced at the mirror one last time to see the silver bell and holly around her neck, sitting in its rightful place. A smile appeared on her face as she grabbed the head elf's hand and head back to the workshop where Scott stood in his red coat and suit.

There were only 10 minutes left until Christmas, which meant Scott had to deliver presents before tomorrow morning. Thankfully, most of the toys have been saved for tonight. It was then Merry came up to her father and stopped him in his tracks. "Hold on a minute, old timer" she said, "Aren't you forgetting something?"
Scott looked confused
"Still gotta get married" said Bernard
Carol looked confused at Scott, unsure of what's going on. Scott then explained to Carol that he couldn't continue being Santa Claus if he doesn't get married by Christmas Eve, unless he finds a Mrs. Claus. "So that's what the whole noodles and pie thing... you just needed to find a wife" said Carol, "Is that what that apology note and Christmas gift you left me was about?"
"No" said Scott
"... Yes"
"Yes, I was looking for a wife. No, I didn't figure on falling in love"

The whole workshop became silent upon hearing Scott's confession to Carol, surprising the woman as well. She then pulled out the present from her coat pocket, opening it to reveal a beautiful diamond ring with a handcrafted silver band in the shape of vines and holly. "This is all happening so fast" she admits, staring at the beautiful ring in her hand.
"Well there's no pressure" said Scott, "I mean, if I don't get married, I just won't deliver the gifts, and children everywhere will stop believing, the elves will lose their jobs, The North Pole disappears, Merry and Bernard wouldn't be together anymore, and Christmas will be gone"
"That's a lot of pressure, dad" said Merry, Bernard nodding his head in agreement.

Scott cleared his throat, unsure of what to do until Abby whispers, "Get down on one knee"
The man looked confused until he got down on one knee, holding Carol's hand which had the ring. Abby then guides Scott into proposing to Carol by saying, "Carol, you say this is happening all so fast. But you've known me all your life. When you were little and alone... Santa- I can take it from here"
Merry kindly pulls Abby aside, making sure the young female elf keeps a watchful eye on the couple as Scott continues his proposal. "Santa was always there for you" said Scott, "And I will be, as long as you continue to believe in me. I know I'm asking you to leave everything at home, but I guarantee you that this is worth it. This place... This place is all about magic and love and wonder. And occasionally a thin-crust pizza and a movie and a long winter night."

This was definitely a lot for Carol to take in, nevertheless it was rather touching and romantic in a way. But then one thing was on her mind, "Is there a school here?"
Scott glanced at Bernard and Merry, who both nod silently in response. "Y-yeah, we have one, a school, but the elves need a new principal" he said, "'Cause as of late, some of the elves have been acting a bit impish"
Scott took a moment to think before finally confessing, "Carol, I love you. Would you be my wife?"
Before Abby was about to answer for Carol, Merry gently whispered, "She's got this"
Carol smiled at Merry and whispered a 'thank you' before turning her attention to Scott and finally said, "Yes"

In a matter of minutes, the wedding began outside with Carol and Scott making their vows before Mother Nature. Bernard, Merry, and Charlie stood aside along with Curtis and other legendary figures as the wedding commenced. It wasn't anything extravagant, but it was enough to make this a magical moment. "By the power vested in me, by me" said Mother Nature, "I now pronounce you Santa and Mrs. Claus"
Scott and Carol smiled at one another, seeing as they're finally married, sharing a loving kiss to make it official. When the clock struck twelve, Scott suddenly transformed into Santa Claus right before Carol's very eyes, earning cheers from the elves. Merry felt a wave of magic flow through her body as her ears grew longer, transforming into an elf once again. Even Charlie's tooth came back, smiling happily upon the discovery. The female elf then used her magic to create fireworks to celebrate the wedding of Santa and Mrs. Claus, which made the elves cheer in excitement.

After realizing it was midnight, Charlie comes up to his dad, telling him that they had to go right now. Santa then heads to his sleigh with Carol, Merry, and Bernard following him and Charlie. "Wait" said Bernard, grabbing the female elf by the arm. Merry looked confused until the head elf pulled her in for a loving kiss, his hands cupped her face gently, eyes closed as the female elf gladly kissed him back. Once they slowly pulled away, neither one could stop smiling after that magical kiss. "Merry Christmas, Sugarplum" said Bernard
"and Merry Christmas to you, old man" said Merry, pulling away from Bernard before joining Santa and Charlie on the sleigh. Santa smiled at his kids before turning his attention to his wife, "Well, Mrs. Claus, you might want to get some rest" he said, "You see, tomorrow begins vacation season for me, which means a three-month honeymoon for us."
Of course, he didn't want to go somewhere tropical, since no one wanted to see Santa in a speedo. Mrs. Claus giggled and smiled at her husband, "Don't be home too late" she said
"And so it begins~"
With that, Santa, Charlie, and Merry head off delivering presents to kids all over the world, leaving a special home for last.

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