The Naughty and Nice List

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To avoid suspicion from the other elves, Merry had to apply some makeup so her cheeks still look rosy and sparkles for freckles. But in order to hide her ears, she had to keep her hood up and make a silly excuse saying she was having a bad hair day. Some of the elves fell for the lie, others suspicious but didn't bring it up. Currently, Toy Santa was still reading from the handbook while Bernard, Merry, and Curtis were doing a morning checkup on the elves' progress.
"Well, I think he's learning at an excellent rate" said Curtis, proud of himself of the idea
"Oh, really?" asked Bernard, "This morning he ate a bowl of waxed fruit"
"And how is that considered 'learning at an excellent rate' when Christmas is only a few weeks away?" asked Merry, adjusting the hood of her shoulder cloak so her ears weren't exposed.

"Wait a minute" said Toy Santa, "I need the naughty and nice list"
"No" said Bernard and Merry, both wanting to make sure that the Toy version of Santa doesn't go anywhere near the naughty and nice list while the real Santa was away.
"Oh, yes, yes" said Toy Santa with a grin, "It says I'm suppose to check it twice"
"Santa already checked it" said Bernard
"No I didn't"
"The REAL Santa" Merry hissed, sending icy daggers to the toy.
Toy Santa didn't budge, saying he is the real Santa and that he was in charge of the whole thing. Merry's patience was running thin, wanting to use her magic to shut the wannabe Ken doll up, until Bernard held her hand to calm the teen down. Curtis took notice and stepped in, "I've got a good idea!" He said, "How about we have some fun?"
Toy Santa looked confused, not familiar with the term 'Fun' since it wasn't mentioned in the handbook. This gave Merry a moment to calm herself down by taking a few deep breaths. Bernard decided to play along with the young elf's idea and said, "Santa, look over there. See those elves? Go ahead. Go play some tinsel football"

As Curtis tells Toy Santa about the rules, Bernard took the chance to pull Merry aside so they could speak in private. "What was that back here, Sugarplum?" he asked, "I've never seen you this angry before"
"I'm sorry, Bernard" said Merry, "I guess with the de-Santification process, the stress about my dad finding a wife and Charlie, my anger took over and-"
"I understand, Merry, this is a lot to take in. But what's most important right now is to make sure Toy Santa doesn't go anywhere near the naughty and nice list"
"Right, and I was this close to wasting my magic on a toy"
A loud scream was heard as Toy Santa ran toward the elves playing tinsel football. He even went as far as knocking some of them out in order to keep the ball in his hand. When one elf was left standing, he ran off like his life depended on it, while Toy Santa chased after him. Bernard and Merry gave Curtis a stern glare, earning an awkward smile from the young elf. "I'll go get Santa" he said before running after the toy.

Several elves arrive to help the unconscious ones out, bringing them to the elfermary. Bernard and Merry watched with worried looks on their faces, stealing a glance at one another.
"This has gone too far" said Merry, holding onto Bernard's hand tight as she watched the scene.
Bernard knew Merry was right, seeing how Toy Santa was going out of control, even asking for the one thing the two had sworn to keep an eye on. This really has gone far enough, dragging the female inside the workshop to find Curtis. Merry was surprised by the head elf's action, but she wasn't complaining, her hand held tightly in his grip while using her free one to keep her hood steady. "Slow down, Bernard" she said, "I'm in heels"
"Sorry, Sugarplum, but we need to make sure Curtis doesn't give Santa any more ideas" said Bernard, stopping in his tracks and looking down at his hand, Fingers intertwined and warm against one another, causing the two to pause and let go of one another.

Merry finally finds the young elf checking on the elf that ran from Toy Santa, "There he is"
The two marched toward Curtis, looking down at the young elf. "Where's Santa?" asked Bernard
"Oh he's over the-" Curtis paused, seeing Toy Santa was nowhere in sight, "Where'd he go?"
"I think I know," said Merry, marching straight to the center of the workshop where the naughty and nice center stood. There Toy Santa stood checking the list twice as the handbook said. The female walks up to him with Curtis and Bernard following behind. "Hey!" she called, "What's going on here?"
"Well, I'm checking the naughty and nice list" said Toy Santa, "Actually, I'm checking it twice"
"We already told you-" Merry paused, glancing at a concern Bernard before speaking normally, "It's already been checked. Don't worry about it"

Toy Santa rolled his plastic eyes, telling the three elves the many mistakes on the list, including one of a child from Denmark who picked his nose and wiped it off his sister's shirt. He goes on saying he didn't deserve to be on the nice list and should be on the naughty list. Curtis explained that they try to cut the children a little slack this time of year, but Toy Santa was not having it. "But they're just kids" said Bernard, "Everybody misbehaves sometimes"
"Exactly," said Merry, "Sounds to me you think every kid should be on the naughty list because of one little mistake"
"That's precisely the point, little girl!" said Toy Santa, "According to the Santa Handbook, naughty kids get lumps of coal in their stockings, right? And if they don't have stockings, we will make them stockings. In my little personal opinion, I think they should all get coal in their stockings, don't you?"
"No!" yelled Curtis, "That's not how it works!"
Toy Santa glared down at Curtis, asking him to get every naughty and nice list before making his way to Santa's office.

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