Chapter 4

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I peak into my mother's living room, she has friends there, so I quickly greet them all and tell my mother that I am headed to Amira's place. She kisses me goodbye and tells me not to be out too late.

I enter my Audi and drive for NEXT cash and carry. I get flowers, chocolate, and a random mirror ball- Amira likes random things for collection. And put them in a gift bag. By the time I get to Miniso, to get a cute bottle or slippers, my arms are hurting from the weight of the white daises I bought for Amira.

The bouquet of flowers block my vision and I run into a huge 6-foot man, in brown Khaki pants and a white short sleeved polo shirt. All his accessories are also brown, a coffee brown.

I realize I'm staring. 'I'm so sorry' I apologize and remember how to flirt instantly. 'These flowers are just so huge; I can barely see a thing in front of me. You must forgive me' I say to the man, a smile appearing on my face.

He takes off his sunglasses, and I become self-conscious, thankfully I'm dressed in an A-line dress, with green and red floral pattern. My shades keep my red scarf in place on my head and my purse is dangling in my other hand.

The man flashes me a smile. 'I am very forgiving' he moves to collect the bouquet, asking silent permission to which I extend my hands.

'Thank you so much, my arms were about to give out' I joke.

'What gentleman sends his lady flowers when she's out?' he wants to know if I have a man.

Usman immediately comes to mind. But Usman is not my boyfriend.

'Can a lady not buy flowers for herself?' I ask rearranging my purse on my shoulder.

'I see. Well, you must let me get you something else you want, seeing as you've already beat me to buying you flowers.'

'That is very generous of you...'


'That is very generous of you, Nurain, but I'm getting things for a friend today, not myself'

'You must let me treat you...'


'Amra' his smile widens 'would you mind giving me your contact?'

He reaches into his pocket and extends his phone, I accept it, the thrill of flirting exciting me.

'And what will you use my contact for?' I ask as I type my number into his phone.

'I guess we'll find out'

'It was nice meeting you, but I must get running, someone has to deliver those heavy flowers.'

'Right, let me get my P.A. to assist you, we don't want a lady like yourself running into other people now do we?'

P.A. damn Amra.

Another similarly dressed man approaches Nurain and collects the flowers from him.

I smile at Nurain. 'Thank you. You've been huge help'

'My pleasure miss Amra.'

His P.A. who I heard him call Salim, walks me to my car, and puts the flowers in the passenger seat after I've paid for the bottle and cheap jewelry, I bought at Miniso.

'Thank you' I say to him.

He nods and doesn't leave the parking lot and until I'm out of sight.

I want to call Amira right now. But I don't, I need to apologize first. By the time I pull up at her house, its 2pm.

Shehu, her father's gatekeeper opens the gate to Amira's house and I smile at him as I drive into the familiar house.

Nigeria is so hot. The cool air conditioning hits me the moment I enter the house through the ever open back door. The Kudadi house is bustling with servants and chores, children and laughter. I always envied Amira for having siblings. She says it's not all that fun.

One of the maids recognize me and smiles at me, I smile back and tell her to take the flowers and chocolate in Shehu's hands. She follows me to the kitchen and out to the hallway separating the living room from the dinner room.

I turn to her ask 'Where is Hajiya?' Amira's mother.

'She has gone out' the girl replies in hausa, her high-pitched voice barely audible in the busy house.

'Follow me to Amira's room.'

Amira Kudadi is one of the seven daughters of Al-amin Muhammad Kudadi. Her mother gave birth to seven girls before she finally bore a boy, Humaid, who everyone dotes on.

Humaid, now four I notice is on a play date in the living room upstairs as we head for Amira's room.

Amira's house is very big. The best way to explain it is a three-story house divided into three parts. A staircase connecting each house to the next. The outer part, closest to the gate is mostly for guests, the middle house is where Amira and her siblings have their rooms, and the last part, is where her father and mother, and of recent, her grandmother reside.

We take the stairs to the second part of the house and come to a stop at the second door on the second floor. I take the gifts from the maid and thank her.

I brace myself and knock on the door.

'Naam. I'm coming!' is the loud shrill that comes from inside.

I wait all of a minutes and Amira unlocks her door pulling it to reveal her tall self in a long hijab.

Her face remains blank of any emotion as she moves to let me in.

I enter, with a greeting and follow her deeper in her room, crossing to the bed.

I put the bag of jewelry, chocolate, socks and a cute bottle on her vanity. And start assembling the flowers in to her vase. My back is to her and when I am done the daises look beautiful, I turn to find her praying.

I enter he bathroom, make wudu and exit to say my own prayers. When I'm done, I fold the hijab and plop down beside Amira.

'I'm sorry' I start. 'I should not have thought that my best friend would want something bad for me'

She turns and lays down on her back 'You really hurt my feelings you know?' she says in a small voice.

'I know. And I am sorry.' I grin at her 'I got you fake gold jewelry and chocolates, this cute bottle with a straw and this random mirror-ball I found.' I get up to get the gift bag.

She follows me 'Let me judge how good of a sorry gift this is' Amira says, and from the tone of her voice, I know this is gone between us.

Amira brings out the things in the bag, her gin widens as she sees each gift. I am happy this is all over.

'Do you know what happened today?' I wiggle my eyebrows as I return to Amira's bed, urging her to come too. She follows suit.

'What?' her eyes narrow. 'You spoke to Usman's grandmother?' she jokes.

I laugh. 'Even better' as I say that, I can't help but wonder if meeting a gentleman is better then dealing with what is growing between Usman and I.

'Go on!'

Smiling widely, and stupidly, I say, 'I met someone'

'Someone?' Amira asks.

So, I tell her everything. Even Salim staying with me until I left the parking lot entirely. By the end of my story Amira is laughing.

'That is absolutely insane!' she adjusts herself. 'How come I never meet prince charming?'

'Because you're so unapproachable Amira!' I make a mock face of her frowning, as I walk to her desk to get myself a glass of water 'Always frowning'

She throws a pillow at my head and I scream. 'What's that for!'

She doesn't answer and when I turn around, I'm met with more pillows. We spend the next four hours playing pillow fight, and gossiping.





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