Chapter 15 (The end)

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For @Hadeeza_jada and @amiirah_aa thank you for your continous comments.

I've been home for two days now. I still haven't spoken to Usman; he's on a business trip. And Amira is due to back today.

I am still a bit weak; I get dizzy sometimes too, but other than that I feel great.

The doctors have me coming in for checkups, and physiotherapy.

That's where we are headed now. The car drive is silent, my father and I aren't much for conversation so I hum to the music in my headphones and he listens to the radio.

Ever since the accident my parents have been acting like I'm an egg inside an egg. I know I'm their only child and so they're beyond terrified, but I thought It would stop once we got back home, I fear it's gotten worse. Like not even allowing his driver to bring me to the physio session this afternoon.

The receptionist smiles at me, I've been here long enough for here to recognize me. And then a nurse guides me to a room. I notice it's different from the one I'm used to going to when I was admitted.

I'm stunned to see that the six-foot man in scrubs and bear of his signature gold accessories I marked him down with is Ali.

I am instantly embarrassed. I can only imagine how clumsy I look, with air casted leg and arm.

The doctor said I should be getting out of the arm cast next week, which I'm supper excited for. The foot, not for a while.

'Hi.' I say as I move further into the dimly lit room. the nurse switches on the light, and in the bright light I see Ali recognize me.

He nods slightly at me 'Hello. Amra, right?'

I tilt my head. 'Right'

The nurse is talking to Ali. I on the other hand am checking him out without shame.

I notice his hair has grown much more since the last time I saw him, making his ringlet less tight. His natural frown doesn't leave his face though, and I see the permanent crease in between his eye brows. I notice how his Jaw line is almost perfect. I see that his nose is really unattractive, but it works well with his features, and his wide lips are in a pout which cause me to see the one-sided dimples I hadn't noticed before. I find it hard that those strong sharp jaws, and creased forehead are beside dimples and soft eyes.

His eyes.

I look away now, cause he's looking at me. I feel him take his eyes off me as he responds to the nurse.

'She should have her arm cast off on Friday, she needs to exercise it before it starts to get lazy.' He looks down at my chart 'we'll work around two sessions a week to work both muscles for the next month.'

'Ms Rabiu, let's get started please.'




By the end of the session, I am pissed off. Any attempts to have a conversation with Ali was shut down very quickly, which made me frustrated, because not only were we silent for half an hour, I felt embarrassed that he needed to tell me to shut up discreetly.

I am not a talkative I think as I waddle my way outside the hospital, but Ali damn made me seem like one, it was like I bothered his peace. And it's really really pissing me off.

Amira stares at me as I slam her car door.




'Who the hell does that physiotherapist think he is! Telling me to keep quiet? Amira I didn't even want to talk, I was just being polite. Next thing I know, 'Ms. Rabiu, do you mind? I work best in silence.' I was stunned Amira. I swear it wasn't like I was even interested in a conversation o. This man is talking about some do you mind? Hm I think I'll request a change of therapist'

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