Chapter 9

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It's a nurse. Different from the one I saw yesterday. She's wearing the same blue scrubs and has blonde hair.

'Hi' I try smiling. It hurts. I make my way back to my bed.

'Hello' she says, looking down at the file in her hands 'Amra. I'm Nasreen'

I nod.

'I see you've started on some pain killers and anti-biotics (just incase your open wound got infected). As for your MDCT, they came back yesterday while you were asleep. The doctor has decided that you'll need a minor brain surgery for a basal skull fracture. It's nothing too serious. You should get treated today, kept in the hospital for a couple of days, for observation and then sent home to heal.'

The already open door, opens wider, but I don't bother watching the nurse leave.

'Healing should take about 3-6 months' the nurse hasn't left.

It takes some effort, but I turn in my bed to face the door.


My breath hitches. He's standing at the door. Arms across his chest. Legs crossed.

He's not in a shadda today. He's in a cream jilbab. With intricate designs. And his curly head is bare of a hula.

There's a matching gold wrist watch and ring on his left hand.

The nurse clears her throat. I flush. I must look like a sick mess, and this man I'm attracted to has witnessed that twice now. Great.

I'm in a matching pajama set I changed into halfway through the night, and a black hair bonnet. The only guys that have seen me like this are Habeel and Usman. I don't count Habeel.


'Hello, Amra.' He moves to let the nurse out.

He indicates to my head. 'How do you feel today?'

'Better, Alhamdullilah'

'How do you really feel' his voice.

When I was in high school, there was this event that took place. We hosted another school for a month. I remember, so clearly now, a boy named Sherif. His black locks, black eyes, dark skin and buttery smooth voice. Every girl was talking about him, Sherif, the guy with the buttery smooth voice. I haven't heard a voice like that since Sherif.

'Amra?' I startle.

'Sorry. You were saying?'

'How do you feel?' he repeats, as he eyes me.

'Uncomfortable. Like when you have malaria and everything hurts, and feels disgusting, and you're tired of sleeping, but you're also just tired.'

'Malaria is not fun at all. Where's everyone?'

'I think my dad and Habeel went to work. My mother must have gone home to change and get some hospitals essentials, she's kind of a clean freak, I'm sure she doesn't trust their stuff.'

'With the way she clung to your side yesterday, I didn't think she'd ever leave.' I think he's making a joke, so I laugh. And I notice a small smile.


'Yes, well she only left for that and because she trusts Amira, who is supposed to be here with me by the way. I wonder where she is.'

I notice that somehow, he's now closer to my bed. Towering over me. Which is awkward. I sit up straighter. He notices and moves away. I know it's the right thing to do, but I want him closer to me.

What is this! Amra. A part of me is ashamed for wanting him. The other part says it's fine, once I am out of the hospital, I can move on and forget about him. That second part sounds tempting. And I agree with it.

Amira interrupts whatever was going on.

'Hi Amra' she says looking between me and Ali, not so subtly. 'Who is your friend?'

When I don't respond she turns to Ali, who has somehow moved farther away. 'Hi, I'm Amira, Amra's best friend.'

'Ali.' He nods and walks out.

I want to hit Amira.

'Who is that? I was going to ask you yesterday.' She plops down on my bed with me.

I roll my eyes. 'I thought you went to get us food'

'From where, you must have hit your head hard. You think your mother will allow you to eat anything outside home when it could be contaminated?' she shakes her head. 'I went to make a call dummy, and take some fresh air.'

'Allah sarki, those of us who can't leave our ward'

'Can't you?'

'I don't even know.'  I sigh.

'Back to "Ali" who the hell is that?' she prodes, as she settles into a plastic chair next to my side. 

My mother interrupts us, thankfully.

'Amira, my love, help me with this bag.' Mummy is hauling and large bag that should normally be used for either camping of hiking. I don't even want to know what is in there.

A maid follows closely behind her, in her hand, a food warmer and a cooler bag on her shoulder.

The driver is also here- great- before he can come in, Amira collects the bag of bottled water from him.

Mummy is already going out of the room, as she calls to the maid, 'Sakina.' Something about making sure to clean up, and feed the workers in the house because we'll all be away for a little while.

'I'm not done with you' Amira says to me. I manage laugh, and causes me to feel a bit of tension in my head, great. 

I watch my mother unpack the big bag, there's a load of tissues inside, sanitary pads, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, sponge, slippers, towels, blankets-

'Mummy are you moving in here?' I groan.

'This girl, I'm staying in this room, all day everyday with you if I can help it.'

'The nurse came this morning to switch out somethings, she said I shouldn't be here long.' I don't mention the surgery.

Apparently, my mother also a detachable plastic rack. 'Amira, dan give me my bag. I think my glasses are inside' Amira gets the red handbag from the couch and looks the bag for the glasses.

'Thank you'

'I think this goes there--' I zone out while Amira and my mother try to build up the rack.

I haven't seen or spoken to Usman since out fight, we haven't spoken in three days. What if I'd died in that accident. Would I have died without ever talking to Usman again?


She doesn't answer.

'Amira!' I say louder.

'Naam?' she's not facing me; she and Mummy are still struggling to put the last pieces together.

'Where is my phone?' I ask. I should call Usman.

'I don't know. See this babe.'

I get up from the bed, in an attempt to look for the phone.

 I feel a bit dizzy, my broken leg hurts.  I decide sit down and scan the room for the handbag I took on the outing with Maimuna.

'Where are my clothes, the ones I was wearing when i got into the accident?

'I don't know Am, I'll ask the nurse, or doctor.' Amira answers me as she gets up to ask the hospital. 




I promise things will get less boring soon 😭. 

I'm finding it hard to write anything to my ususal standards, I have edited this chapter atleast 4 times. 

Nafisah 🎀

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