8) Illness - Paul

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Paul isn't the most responsible of the brothers, you could probably say he's the least responsible but when it comes to you he will be there for you in a second and do anything for you. So when he came back from a hunt to see you lying on the sofa in the cave looking dead he rushes by your side.

"Babe? Baby, are you okay?!"

You squint open your eyes as you wake up to his loud voice.

"No, I don't feel good"

"What's the matter, your head, your stomach, sore throat ? Stay with me y/n !!"

The boys walk past and raise an eyebrow at Paul's reaction, Marko laughing.

"She's not dying Paul you idiot, she's just unwell and probably seems some painkillers and water" David says rolling his eyes.

Paul looks back at your pale face and kisses your cheek. "I'll be right back babe". He flies out the cave and returns 15 minutes later with painkillers, big bottles of water and a blanket he clearly stole from a store.

You take the painkillers and drink the water as Paul sits next to you and places you on his lap before wrapping you both in the giant blanket like a burrito.

You kiss him on the cheek then you lay your head on his chest. He smiles widely, loving how close you are to him. He feels protective of you in his arms, nobody can touch you when you're safe with him.

"I love you Paul"

"I love you more sweetness" he smiles as you drift off to sleep on his lap.

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