10) pregnancy announcement- Marko

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You and Marko have been together for 6 months and you both were truly and utterly in love, without a doubt. Wherever you were, Marko was close behind.

You were sat in the main 'living area' in the cave awaiting for the boys' arrival home. When you feel a cool breeze rush through the winding tunnels and blow your hair slightly, you knew they were back.

The whooshes of wind were shortly followed by laughter, the boys' laughter. You looked up but could only see three boys.

Where's my boy?

You specifically needed your boy right now as you had major news to tell him and you weren't sure how he would react. You sat there impatiently moving forward slightly to see where Marko was.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands grabbed onto your shoulders and made you jump.

"Shit, Marko, that's not funny"

Marko looked at you while laughing like a maniac before kissing you on the cheek. "I thought it was hilarious" he jokingly smirked.

You rolled your eyes and smiled at his antics before shaping your face into a serious manner.

"Babe, sit down we need to talk" you said firmly.

Marko raised his eyebrows and did what she told him to. He slumped down next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder. "What's up doll"

You fidgeted slightly and looked at him with a hint of fear in your expression. His eyebrows furrowed as he grabbed your hands. "What's the matter baby?"

"Marko, I- I don't know how to say this"

"It's okay take your time"

"I'm pregnant" you looked down, sort of afraid of his reaction even though you know he would never get mad at you, you were just on edge.

There was a slight pause before Marko lifted your chin up to look at his beaming smile.

"Are you being serious, doll?"


"This is amazing!! Oh my god babe. You're gonna be a mom, I'm gonna be a dad!!!"

You smile at his excited manner, he was like a child bouncing up and down shouting about the cave that he was gonna be a dad.

He ran to where you were and carefully embraced you in his arms and kissed your forehead.

"I love you so much y/n, you don't understand the amount of love I have for you, I can't even put it into words. Too bad you're gonna have to share the love with our baby boy or girl. Oh what do you want it to be? I think a boy would be cool, I could make him a mini Marko jacket to match his daddy"

You loved how excited he was and kissed his lips softly and rested your head in his chest, thinking about an eternity with your soulmate and your baby.

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