17) Protecting you - Marko

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It was a busy night on the pier, a popular rock band was performing nearby so there were a lot of fans on the pier waiting. You were walking with the boys, your arm wrapped around Marko's arm, trying to stay safe with him rather than getting lost in the endless crowds.

"Fuck why's it gotta be so busy?" Paul said giving dirty looks at anyone who walked too close to him.

"The rock band, remember?" Dwayne said to him rolling his eyes as he's reminded Paul for the third time in 15 minutes.

Marko looked down at you as he was slightly taller than you (girl you shortie). "You okay babe?"

"Yeah I'm okay just make sure you don't leave me alone anywhere, there's non regulars here and they look pretty scary". As you say that you look over at a tall, muscly man with a long beard staring straight into your soul. Spooky.

Marko smirked and kissed your forehead before the group stopped at their usual perching spot where they spy for prey. Now this is where you get left alone every night because you haven't been turned yet, so you wait until they finish feeding for them to come back and collect you and take you back to the cave.

Soon, the boys find their perfect group of tasty looking rock fans. Perfectly heading to the beach, walking straight to their death.

Marko turns to you.
"Okay doll we'll be back real soon I promise I won't be long, I'm not even that hungry I had Chinese before I left the cave. Stay here and shout me as soon as any trouble happens, even though I'll sense it" he smirks and winks at you before kissing your lips softly and leaving.

Now we wait. You spot the same guy from earlier lingering near you and staring menacingly. You brush it off and turn around, overlooking the beach and watching the waves. They made you forget the hustle of the busy pier tonight. Your tranquility was soon cut off by someone grabbing your arm, roughly.

"Ow, hey get off of me"

The man didn't listen he just kept pulling you nearer and nearer to the car park.

"Helpppp!!" You scream out as loud as your lungs allow you to. Your eyes began to water and there was no way you could match his strength. He was huge.

"Marko!! Please help me!! Dwayne! David! Paul! Please, someo-"

Your screaming was cut off by the man wrapping his bulky arm around your neck and covering your mouth, muffling your screams and pleas for help.

You bawled your eyes out as you got shoved into the back seat of a car. There were rock cds and empty beer cans everywhere. You banged on the windows and kicked at them in an effort to break through it. After some more kicking and screaming you realised that the man hadn't got in the car yet. Then you heard a man's cry. A shrieking, piercing yell full of pain. Blood splattered across the windows and you covered your head in fear.

The door opened but you refused to look up, terrified that your blood would soon join whoever just got murdered. You hyperventilated, shaking and crying.

A soft hand placed itself on your shoulder. You flinched.

"Y/n my love, it's okay you're safe, he's not gonna hurt you" a voice whispered. His voice.

You lifted your head up and looked up at him before launching into his arms and crying into his chest while he stroked your hair, occasionally kissing your head. After a couple minutes he lifted you up and held you tightly while flying you back to the cave.

There, he placed you down on you guys' bed and lay with you, playing with your hair and telling you how much he loves you until you fell asleep.

From that day on, he rarely left your side, and when he did, he made sure that one of the boys were with you.

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