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second pov

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second pov

it's time

you got up from a hill and flickered your way to the nara compound and looked around at a certain house.

as you peaked thought the window, you saw your mother asleep alone in a bed. your father is still probably at the hokage's office catching up on some paper work.

you had come up to shikamaru's window to see him sound asleep, a small smile came up. he knew you'd be back from your 'mission' tomorrow. it's been a while since you've properly hung out with him. but  your face became stone cold as you left the compound to meet itachi and madara, who were getting ready to a start.

(short) first pov

we spilt into two groups, madara will take one side while itachi and i will take another. of course i will not be killing an uchiha because it might create more problems in the future. ah i'd rather not think much about it.

as itachi sliced, stabbed and pierced. blood flying everywhere, across the rooms, on itachis uniform and mine. god it felt disgusting,

the blood looking a little too real


don't worry, it's all apart of the plan

i'll be following around itachi who just finished off killing his neighbour, leaving his parents for last...

i can tell itachi was getting nervous, almost shaking. i signed as i reached both of my hands and wiped some blood away.

"i'm not sure why you're nervous about this... haha... i should be the one worried, but don't worry it'll work out"

as i said coming close to his ear and whispering softly, making him blush.

"trust me, alright?"

he gently grabbed me by the waist, pulling me close and whispered

"when have i ever doubted you?"
he smiled softly as he tilted his head a bit to the right. lord he knows to make me fold.

(quick switch) second pov

your head was bowed down profusely as you were apologizing for how you could have prevented it from happening, how you could have thought of a solution and how you could have prevented this..but it was no use..it was too late now...

thank the lords your arms were covering that smirk you had.

god you should've became an actress instead. the plan is falling into place. had to make it believable for a person who was peaking though the window.

it's all apart of the plan | itachi x reader Where stories live. Discover now