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y'all know what time it is 👉👌 sorry i haven't updated in so long weathers been changing too often and i got sick. this hasn't been read over yet, so there might a shit ton of grammar mistakes and spelling. there was too much writing so i had to summarize an arc but there's still almost 8k words i was either cooking it or burning it.

change the timeline a bit sorry for the confusion 🙏🙏

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third pov

news spread as people in the hospital were talking about how the third hokage was in a coma, nobody knew when he would wake up. it might be finally time for him to retire and find a new hokage to take his place.

as exhausted kakashi was, he wanted to check up on y/n and it seems like genma had the same idea as him, when they both approached the hospital. they asked the office worker her room number. they knocked on the door and were greeted with a pillow over y/n's head and a doctor seemingly scolding her, they looked like close friends.

kakashi decided to lessen the tension by asking the doctor what was wrong with her. before he could even finish his sentence, the doctor sighed, telling him that she almost drained her chakra reserves almost completely, and if she drained anymore, she could have killed herself.

"this isn't the first time this has happened but at least it happens less and less as you've gotten older. but it doesn't make it better as you age, y/n! if you constantly drain your chakra reserves, it'll weaken everything you've made yourself, it's useless." the doctor began to scold her again as kakashi and genma tensed.

'wasn't the first time, huh? it's happening again just like when we were in anbu.' kakashi thought.

genma asked a question that might be intruding, but caring for her health is all that he cares for.

"how often has this been happening? when did all this drainage even start?" genma wanted to know but before the doctor could answer, she was cut off by y/n.

"genma, drop it, it doesn't matter. it's fine." y/n said as she removed the pillow over her head. she doesn't want the 'doctor' to know because... everything is connected, everyone's connected to someone in power... that doctor, she would always heal her ever since the day she entered the foundation. she hated her doctors, always telling danzo what's going on with her health, always snitching on her for anything so little.




it's a nonstop loop, it's like everyday she needs to be careful, who should she trust? who should she believe? what has life become? everytime a foundation member calls her when danzo needs her, she feels like she's walking on nails.

it's all apart of the plan | itachi x reader Where stories live. Discover now