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kinda a filter kinda not? 😁

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third pov & time skip
sasuke and shikamaru age: 13
y/n's age: 18

the hokage had team 7 in the office with them while an anbu got y/n for another mission. since she just got back from her last mission that lasted a couple of days, so he decided to give her an easy one a c ranked mission. they just take a person from point a to point b.

she agreed but she wanted to bring sasuke with her. she convinced the hokage that it's better for him to learn how to work either alone of one other person on a mission. this isn't the first time sasuke gone out on a mission with someone else besides his teammates.

whenever sasuke left them hanging or disappeared, they just thought it was him being all emo and wanted be left alone. they didn't know sasuke was going out on missions.

sasuke smirked, he liked the feeling of showing off to his teammates that he could do a ranked mission without them. he liked going on missions with y/n, he could learn more on killing itachi. sasuke thought as he arthur fisted with a smirk. all that bullshit and she told him, didn't make sense. of course he knew what he saw.... his parents dead on the floor, blood all over the compound and bodies everywhere. what else is not to believe? he needed more hatred, by spending less time with his team, it'll be easier to cut the bonds.

naruto and sakura were shocked to hear that sasuke can take on a mission with another person that wasn't in his team. of course sasuke didn't tell them that he had got out of the village for missions because they would freak out and plus y/n and him had their reasons to.

as one would expected, kakashi knew about this but thought that y/n and sasuke can only do d ranked missions not c. kakashi was shocked but only to snap back immediately when naruto started complaining.

"hey why does sasuke get to go out of the village? why does he get to do a c ranked mission when our own team can't even do it? why does he get to do missions without his team?"

naruto kept complaining while the hokage tried to tell him. kakashi slapped the back of naruto's head making him shut up.

sakura just stared at sasuke and looked at the older girl. she had never talked to her personally, she only saw her walking either with shikamaru or sasuke for training or picking them up from school when they were younger. so she asked the hokage,

"uh lord hokage, shouldn't we be going as a team and not individually..?"

all the hokage said was,

"she has her reasons as you heard and sasuke here isn't complaining about it. so i think it's fine. it's not a hard mission so you guys aren't missing out" he exclaimed and dismissed them.

it's all apart of the plan | itachi x reader Where stories live. Discover now