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tysm for 1k reads! from the bottom of my heart i really didn't expect this many people to read this let alone get this many reads! appreciate all of the votes and comments <33

there's a lot of flashbacks, i tried to make it less confusing as possible

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third pov


before y/n leaving, the third hokage still hasn't woken up for the coma, other nurses think that he will never wake up again. it could be caused by using too much chakra or old age, many people prayed that one day he would wake up but as time passed, people began to lose hope and think that it's finally time to pull the plug.

however one day he woke up, everyone was happy that he woke up. he told shikaku that he wanted to retire, his age is catching up to him and is getting weaker by the day. shikaku agreed and after a few days, they already found a replacement, lady tsunade was next to be hokage.

a few weeks after the third hokage woke up, he soon passed away in his sleep. before his passing, both him and y/n planned that if one of them dies too soon, they would have a scroll hidden away only the ones who want answers are able to find this. there will also be a file attached to this letter.

"those reading this, it was a mission, do not blame the ones that completed their mission, blame the ones who forced them to do it.

i apologize for the lives that were lost.

sincerely hiruzen sarutobi"

while in the village, kakashi and genma both miss y/n and didn't know where she was until they asked if the fifth hokage knew where she'd gone. the hokage told them that she had taken a 2 year long mission to keep an eye out on the akatsuki.

both were left shocked because they definitely thought that y/n would tell them about her mission especially if it's 2 years long.

"don't be disappointed, she left when you were on a mission. is that all? you guys are dismissed" as they left the office, kakashi gone to who knows where while genma remembered that kotetsu and izumo are ninja guarding the entrance. he wanted to know if they have any idea where y/n gone to.

when he arrived, he found them yet again asleep with drool going down their mouths. 'wow, great guards' he shook the table causing them to wake up and greeted genma. 

"sleeping on the job again?" kotetsu and izumo both sweatdrop then ask what genma was doing here or if he's leaving for another mission.

"no i'm not, i'm just wondering if you guys saw y/n leaving the village for some important mission. the hokage refuses to give me the details about it." genma chewed on his senbon nervously and waited for them to answer.

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