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third pov

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third pov

y/n was half asleep, enough to get some shut eye but at the same time is aware of her surroundings. damn it's already the second part of the exams. hopefully sasuke and shika are doing fine. one team from the sand came in. damn they were quick with it, on the first day too? hm, maybe this year's exams are getting way too easy or that they're getting stronger by the year.

she got up from her spot and walked towards genma chilling on the couch. as she laid down, she put her legs on his lap and she noticed that he still had a senbon in his mouth. she thought that sooner or later he'd choke on it. while her legs were on his lap, this caught genma's attention and became a bit flustered due to this. she always does this, but doesn't know it has an affect on him. y/n didn't see his face become red as she closed her eyes and rested them on the arm of the couch.

she stayed silent until genma asked her what was on her mind.

"what's up with you today? what's on your mind?" he said tilting his head towards her.

"a team from the sand completed the exams in less than 2 hours. they completed the exams faster than itachi, but not as fast as me, though" she uttered, flexing on her time.

genma wondered how fast did y/n completed the exams.

"then what was your time?"

she opened her eyes and smirked, "it only took me 5 minutes, since the forest is filled with shadows, it helped me travel faster." genma stiffened 'damn she's faster than the fourth, only if there's shadows involved"

y/n talked more about the sand siblings while genma became lost in thought, admiring her beauty, her (h/c), that beauty mark on her face, her plumped lips, damn she was beautiful, shaped like a goddess that was brought down to earth. he stared at her without knowing as she was calling his name until her eyes and made eye contact with him.

this action finally made him snap out of his thoughts and quickly turned away to look at the window before she caught a glimpse of his blushing. as he cleared his throat, he needed to make up an excuse to get out of here. he felt like he was making the whole situation awkward for almost getting caught.

genma made up the worst lie as he got up, removing her legs from his lap and putting them back on the couch. y/n thought it was weird but shrugged it off as genma being weird again.

she decided to take another nap, hoping to catch up on more sleep.

a few hours later

y/n woke up from her nap a little while ago and was about to put some papers away, she felt her bracelet vibrate... calling her... it was sasuke. 'shit' she almost completely forgot about orochimaru. immediately she summoned a black jaguar, and told her to tell the hokage that orochimaru's in the exam. the jaguar nods her head and gone out to find lord third. she then moves quickly through the shadows, hoping that she's not late.

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