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this chapter is so skimmed thru i have no idea if it makes any sense. you guys r being FED with 4.4k words and plus it's march break 😈😈

warning brief suicide mentioned?

mentioned arms being devoured idk?? 😭😭

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third pov

everyone is starting to get their training in for their next fight, meanwhile shikamaru is a bit embarrassed asking his older sister for help. its already 3 days in and his sensei kept teasing him about being scared to ask his older sister for help. hell wouldn't you be scared when your sister is one of the strongest shinobi's out there? he knows that training with her would be a nightmare. no breaks, no sleep, and no lazing around will drive him crazy. 'what a drag.' he thought as he started walking towards his sister's room and knocked, waiting for her to answer.

he heard a soft voice saying "come in"

as he opened the door, the room was dark, weirdly cool and he face planted at the end of her bed as a muffled voice can be heard

"can you train me for the chunin exams?" as he spoke into her bed. y/n removed the pillow on her face trying to hear what he just said

"what? repeat that again." shikamaru huffed embarrassedly

"i just need your help training me for the exams" he spoke almost regrettably as he knew that his sister would go harder on him in training.

"hm, and what do i get in return?"

'in return? she wants something in return?!'

"how about you do my chores for 2 weeks?" she said

"fine, what a drag..."

time skip

over the past few weeks, y/n had been teaching shikamaru their clan jutsu and a few of her own. at the end of every night, shikamaru was passed out halfway through the training, it wasn't even that intense, he just wasn't used to the excessive activity. it was a totally different way he thought he'd get trained. hell even the jutsus he was learning were difficult to remember. he had to use the right amount of chakra, concentration or correct hand signs or else it'll backfire on him.

he became curious and asked, "why don't you just write these jutsus down and let me learn from it?"

"nah, maybe later. i'm too lazy to do it right now." y/n closed her eyes under a tree as shikamaru was training under the blazing sun.

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