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another long chap 😁

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first pov

sasuke and i just got back from a mission not too long ago. a ninja came and greeted us. he told sasuke that the hokage is asking for him. probably on another mission with his team this time.

half of the time when i got back from a mission, i was too tired to even change out of my anbu attire whenever i got home. of course i didn't sleep on my bed, i hate sleeping without my nasty outside clothes in my bed, that's what's pj's are for. so i slept on the floor instead.... it's only comfortable once in awhile.....

however, all these damn missions are slowly talking away my sleep. hell even my father noticed and scolded me for it. you see the average person should have at least 8 hours of sleep while a nara should have at least 10 hours due to our brain activity.  (?)

these missions danzo and lord third is giving me are tiring, but trust me when i say the pay is so worth it. i guess only the best of the best ninjas can take on these missions. i can literally buy all of the land of the waves if i wanted to and still have money left over....

but hey i decided to walk around until i noticed a crow. i smiled. it's itachi's. he probably wants to talk have have our weekly gossip.

i signed and followed the crow that lead me to him. just on the outskirts of konohagakure.

as i approach him no matter what, when itachi and i greet each other we greet with a handshake. (you guys can imagine what handshake that'll be)

we started talk and walking around until a felt a chakra near by. only a few kilometres away but still best not to get caught. so i brought him to the nara forest.

no one can enter this forest without permission except the nara members.

third pov (lime? sorry if it's not good 🥲)
as itachi finished up the gossip about the akatsuki, he signed tiredly. y/n noticed this and offered him a lap to sleep on. he agreed before she said anything and he muttered,

"i miss you..."

"it's only been a weeks and you've already miss me..?" i smiled running my fingers through his hair then replied,

"i miss you too"

third pov
she decided to start blabbing softly about her missions, her body was so close to his, her breath tickling his ear and ran throughout his body. she smelled so good.

fuck... i really miss this... he thought as he heard y/n giggled.

itachi grinned, his stomach fluttering as he heard her laugh. his gaze slid away for a split second, but it was all he could was to take her in his arms. he got up from her lap and kissed her on the cheek.

it's all apart of the plan | itachi x reader Where stories live. Discover now