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first pov

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first pov

as i was looking up at the clouds, i see a hawk flying towards me. guess the hokage needs me for something.

as i reached to the hokage office, i knocked the door and hearing a rough voice telling me to come in. as i walked in noticed my father there, acknowledging his presence, i nodded my head and focused at the hokage.

"y/n, you will be one of my guards and co-proctor during the chunin exams. your job as the proctor is to monitor the fights. examiners are not allowed to kill each other, that's when you step in and end things before it gets to bloody. you will be working with genma shiranui for the final round of the exams. he will explain the rules to everyone since you find everything to be a drag or trouble some." he said jokingly at the end.

with a few mumbled complains from her, she agreed, interesting to find out what the further has to hold for her. but she felt in her gut that something is wrong, deeply wrong.

short time skip (first pov)
it's time for our weekly gossip again in the nara forest. as we greeted each other with our handshake, itachi kept holding my hand and whispered in my ear,

"orochimaru... he's after sasuke. i don't know the complete reason but i think he wanted sasuke because he couldn't get me"

i signed, problem after problem. what's next? the hokage dying?

"... he's also planning to kill the hokage and invade of konoha with the ninja's of sunagakure."

i called it-

i scratched my head and started thinking, there's really not much to do but let it happen... no it'll start another war- we can't have that happening anytime soon. should i tell the hokage?

'shit i can't he's going to ask me how i got this information from.' i thought, but i could prevent the hokage from dying. haven't had a challenge in a while, orochimaru might fit the menu....

"if he's truly going after sasuke i'll probably give him something for him to contact me..." i said lifting up the arm itachi had my bracelet,

"maybe a necklace with my chakra, it'll send me close to his location... i don't want to be exact though... it'll be weird seeing a proctor in the exams unless it's necessary."

hidden somewhere far away...

"HEYYYYYYY !!!!! I MISSED YOUUUU!!" he shouted and jumped on me

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME YOU CLINGY ASS BIT- " i was cut off by a slap behind my head

"no swearing"


"hn, that's too long, anyways why are you here?"

this moody ass man-

"how should i say this? orochimaru wants sasuke and kill the hokage." this new info left [REDACTED] flabbergasted, but what was he suppose to do with this knowledge-

"before you overwork that tiny little brain of yours i want you to tell [REDACTED] and just them. if too many people, know the more likely it is to spread like wildfire"

at night, in sasuke's apartment
(third pov)
he heard a knock at his door then looked at the time. who's knowing at his door at this hour. he grumbled and got up from the couch and opened to see it was y/n standing at the door.

"why are you here so late in the night? can't you tell me it tomorrow?" sasuke said with full blown sass

"damn who took a shit in your toilet and clogged it?"
she grumbled as sasuke welcomed her into his apartment.

as she sat down on his couch, patting it to let him know she wanted to him to sit beside her. he saw her being a box from her pocket and opened it... it was a bracelet? y/n took it out from the box and grabbed sasukes hand. she tied it in silence and when she's done, she started explaining. 

"this bracelets serves as an emergency communication device. tap it twice and it'll give me your location. you have to put a bit of your chakra in it first before it's ready to use." she explained.

sasuke was baffled, what was the point in her giving this to him? did she think he wasn't strong enough to protect himself? did she think her was that weak-

"before you start raging like a 2 year old who couldn't get his afternoon nap, no i didn't get this for you because i thought you were weak. i got it for you just in case something happens like coming in contact of someone who's stronger than you and won't leave you alone. sometimes escaping alone isn't enough, that's why this right here is your back up. shikamaru got one too, i care a lot about both of you. i don't want anything horrible happening to any of you especially when there's no backup team coming for you or that they're late. it's better safe than sorry sasuke."

sasuke was left speechless as he looked at the bracelets she gave. it looked like a hair tie with a crystal in the middle. he, of course accepted it. he understood her reasoning not wanting to lose more people she loves because either backup couldn't arrive on time, the enemy are too strong or that they couldn't escape.

"yeah... i get it. i mean it least it's not as noticeable as i thought it was. but why are you giving this to me now?" sasuke said as he put his chakra into the crystal.

"oh. don't worry about it. you'll find out sooner than later" she said as she got up from the couch, walking towards the door.

"hn, what if i want to find out now? are you going to tell me?" sounding like he was begging to know.

"hell nah, i hate spoiling things. not my type of way to let people know." y/n smiled

as sasuke got up following her to the door, he wanted  to continue on the conversation but she slammed the door on his face. damn, that's one way to end a conversation you don't wanna deal with.

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