side mission 2

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DOUBLE UPDATE... but short 😝!!! i wonder if other writers do this cuz i just write bullet points and expand on it. this total doesn't mean i already know what then ending of this would be...!

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third pov


it's late at night, shikaku sighed tiredly as he entered his home. he was late for dinner again, but hey at least it wasn't extremely late. he took off his shoes and entered the kitchen, he spotted shikamaru and his wife but y/n is late again?

he mentally chuckled, just like his old man, huh. shikaku looked at the table to see what his wife made. 'whatever it was, it smells delicious.' he thought as he grabbed a plate and utensils before kissing his wife on the head and greeted his son.

a few minutes later, the family heard a door opening and heard a big sigh. yup sounds like y/n had a hard day... again. she tiredly said "i'm home." before sitting on one of the steps wanting to sleep.

y/n took off her shoes and walked into the dining room. she said she began to salivate, her mother made her favourite food, (f/f).

after grabbing a plate for herself, y/n began to devour her dinner quickly but still savouring each thing she ate. dinner was mostly silent, her mother washing dishes while shikamaru finished up his last bit of dinner before handing his plate off to his mother and laying on the couch.

the silence broke as shikaku asked his daughter about her dating life. "what's your status?" y/n gave her father a questionable look and replied, "anbu...?"

shikaku thought long and hard, he knew that y/n wasn't exposed to the love idea, during her teenage years maybe even now since her mind is occupied by anbu. maybe he should be more straightforward since it's known for nara's to be oblivious when it comes to love.

"no, i mean your dating life."

"ehhh, i'm too lazy to even think about having a relationship. they seem like a lot of work. i like having my own space and time alone." y/n said like she wasn't married to itachi nor has a kid with him.

"why do you ask?"

"well people your age are getting married but it's your choice if you're into it or not-" shikaku was interrupted by his wife yelling from the kitchen. "i want some grandbabies while you're at it!"

y/n choked on her food while shikamaru was listening in on the conversation they're having.

she drank water, clearing her throat. "WHAT?!"

her father tried to convince her with a bit of teasing. "come on y/n, when you were little, there will always be boys knocking at our doors asking for you with a flower in hand." shikamaru didn't know y/n had fanboys. 'what a drag.'

ever since she got back from her long mission, people around her age would ask her out, but she would always decline their offer.

'i already have itachi in my life. that's all i wanted. i'm kinda sad that i can't tell them about him and my child yet.' she sadly thought as she heard her father naming off strong shinobi's he thought that would make a great couple.

"what about kakashi? i've seen the way he looks at you, the way he admires you... oh wait maybe genma. he was trained under the fourth hokage, he knows his stuff when it comes to certain things. hmmm what about guy? he's great at tujutsu, you might need a lesson or 8 with him..."

'did- did my own father just insult me??' y/n sweat dropped as her father continues to name off people who would go well with her.

"there's kotetsu and izumo, they seem like the goofy pair..."

'nah they're secretly a gay couple.' y/n thought before leaving the room as her father continued listing off the names, not noticing his daughter's disappearance.

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