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double upload cuz it's been 2 weeks, this chap is kinda lazy but the next isn't 😚

tysm for 500 reads love y'all 🥹🫶

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third pov

one by one teams started walking in the towers. the hokage noticed that there were more genins than usual. either the exams are starting to get too easy or that this years group of genins are getting stronger. as all the teams made it to the tower, hiruzen made the executive decision to add a preliminary round. the point of this is to take out the weaker genin. during the time that he announced this, everyone started to groan.

'what was the point of this? we just finished the tiring part of the exam?' shikamaru thought.

y/n came into view. shikamaru and sasuke were shocked to find out she was one of the proctors of the exam. while the hokage finished up his thoughts on the exam, she began to explain the rules of the preliminary round.

"in the opening round, fighters are paired off at random and battle it out until one of them gives up or is knocked out. the chunin is the victor of a single-elimination competition that serves as the final round. lethal force is not allowed under any circumstances, and those who use it will be instantly removed from the exam." y/n concluded as genma stood beside her.

(i'm not gonna explain every single round, kinda lazy too 🤪)

the first round: dosu vs choji
dosu wins

second round: tenten vs temari
temari wins

third round: sakura vs ino
no one wins, "wow, well that's a first..." y/n said as genma chuckled

fourth round: kankuro vs misumi
kankuro wins

fifth round: shino vs zaku
shino wins

sixth round: shikamaru vs kin
"who do you think would win?"

"knowing shika, he'd win but would give up the next time he fights"

"hm, how about this? ¥5500 ($50) that he'd give up this round"


shikamaru wins.

y/n smirked at genma knowing he's ¥5500 down as he huffed in disappointment. she's proud of her brother for at least making it to the first round without letting his laziness get to him.

seventh round: sasuke vs yoroi
sasuke won. making y/n smirk. both boys are starting to grow up and get stronger by the day.

eighth round: naruto vs kiba
naruto won. how? by a fart making genma question everything.

ninth round: garra vs rocklee
garra won. 'damn he beaten rocklee to a plup' genma thought as he watched guy carry lee out of the tower.

tenth round: neji vs hinata
the randomizer chose neji and hinata for the last round. as hinata approached neji, she began to tremble. she was aware of neji's strength and his intense dislike for both her and the main branch.

y/n indicated again that killing is in violation of the rules and will result in disqualification if done against them prior to the round beginning because they knew that neji had hatred towards hinata but weren't completely sure why.

neji began to criticize her right away as the round started off, claiming that hinata was not meant to be a ninja, which meant she lacked confidence, that she felt inferior to all of them, and that she was unable to stand to disappoint her teammate.

he told her that she was the pampered offspring of the hyuga's main branch. he wanted her to know how much pain she caused him, why there was a hierarchy difference between the main family and the branch and oh how he wanted to tell her she's the reason why his father is dead but decided not to.

y/n was listening to his rant carefully until she heard someone yelling right above her, of course it was naruto with the talk no jutsu. she didn't hate naruto, she just found him yelling very annoying at times, he's too loud in her own opinion.

naruto was shouting at neji that he can't be telling her what she can or cannot do and encouraged her to prove neji wrong.

y/n thought, 'giving false hope to someone who's weak is a set up for death. I need to keep an eye out, this is starting to get dangerous.' as she watched neji began to get riled up.

she observed as they were fighting, both of them were aiming for each other's chakra network. with just one blow, a person with the byakugan, may cause his/her opponent's death by using this technique to directly assault their heart and cause cardiac arrest. not so funny thing was that neji was aiming for hinata's heart. he got her in the heart as she spat out blood. he doesn't even look like he was fighting, he was just chilling...but with anger in his eyes.

"give up. forfeit this match. clearly we all know who the winner is." neji stated as he looked at her state. but of course hinata never gave up as she looked at her crush in the audience. not wanting to disappoint him, she continues on.

while she was getting up, she spat out blood, seeing this opportunity he chose to attack her at her weakest. he hit hinata's chakra point, completely stopping her chakra flow. seeing how she's still standing, he hits her again causing her to completely fall face first into the ground.

genma claims that hinata is unable to continue with the bout but is interrupted by naruto's screams as hinata slowly rises from the floor. she doesn't want to give up just yet, she wants to make naruto proud and prove neji that she isn't as weak as he thinks she is.

when neji saw this, he felt as though he could no longer move and was ready to strike her. he was a few feet away from hinata, thus he was in y/n's shadow.

"didn't i already say that killing your opponent goes against the rules?" she spoke in a threatening voice, she knows that neji has a strong hatred against hinata and the main family, but killing her? might as well kill himself after. the clan head won't be happy finding out his daughter was killed.

neji felt his heart race from fear but at this point her couldn't say much about his actions besides stare at hinata on the floor as medical inns start surrounding her. at this point y/n let her shadow go as other jonin joined in on the scolding.

"neji hyuga had won this round" she signed as she announced.

she decided to walk towards hinata seeing her condition. it wasn't good. a lot of internal bleeding, it took a big toll on her body. y/n said,

"you should know when to give up, before you get yourself killed. sometimes its better to surrender than to fight" walking away towards where genma was standing.

as she was walking back towards where genma was standing, she heard naruto start berating her. he shouted how 'you should never give up no matter what' or whatever, too much of a drag to think about if your life's on the line...

what's the point in fighting when you know you're going to lose?

after the medical inns removed hinata from the stadium, genma announced that there will be a month-long break, during which they would use that time to train or do whatever they can to win the final round.

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