Chapter 2 FIGHT

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It was late in the day school had finished and I had just left my two friends to go home. Kaisuku was true to his word and I had bought me Dokiyaki. My stomach was still full from the delicious food I had just eaten.

The sounds of cheers could be heard as I was walking home through a local park. I thought maybe there was a performance going on so I went to go see. If only it could have been that instead when I walked up to the scene my stomach turned at what I saw. My brother was being beaten up by a huge guy as a large group of guys cheered on the beatdown. I couldn't call it a fight as my brother wasn't landing any punches. He kept trying though as he got up after every hit.

The fight stalled for a moment my brother was still standing on his feet. Takemichi was speaking to his attacker but I was too far to hear what he had said. What I did hear was the much stronger guy ask his goonies to "GET ME MY BAT" his voice boomed. That made me sick the much stronger guy wanted to use a weapon on my brother.


I dropped my school bag rushing down the hill. My body pushed past anybody who stood in my way. Until I was in the center of the ring standing before my brother. I stretched out my arms in a protective manner to block the big guy from my brother.

"Y/n what are you doing here," Takemichi shouted

My face was turned into a scowl as I stared the big guy down. He looked surprised to see me at first but his angry expression returned quickly.

"bitch who are you," The big guy asked

I ignored his question instead I threatened him "If you touch my brother again I will put you in an early grave"

"She just threatened the boss" multiple people whisper in the crowded

"Do you know who the fuck you are talking to yo-"

"Leave her alone Kiyomizu she has nothing to do with this" Takemichi interrupted the guy

Takemichi tried to pull me behind but he was too injured to make me budge. Kiyomizu looked as if he wanted to kill me.

"Get me my bat I have to teach these two siblings a lesson" Kiyomizu ordered looking at the crowd

"He's going to beat up a girl"

"Toman doesn't hit girls"

"The captain won't like this"

Whispers filled the stand but no one moved to get Kiyomizu his bat. Kiyomizu's features shifted into a pure rage as he shouted "GET MY BAT"

When it came to fighting I never wanted to throw the first hit but Kiyomizu I was going to make an exception. This guy was built like a wall so he didn't have many weak points. Everyone had some common weak points like the timple or under the chin. Kiyomizu was tall so I didn't want to try and kick his timple. The best spot to hit him would be under the chin. I waited until he was looking at him I wanted him to see it coming and know there was no way to stop it.