Chapter 3 Lost Items

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After that whole Kiyomizu incident, my whole day was thrown off. I went home where Takemichi went off to see his girlfriend. After doing my homework and taking a bath I was too tired to cook so I went to the WaBurger to grab WaMeal to take home with me. 

The crickets chirp accompanying me on my solo walk. The streets were empty being lit by the lamp post. As I turned onto a narrow road something felt off before I could turn around a group of five guys blocked my path. Once I saw them I turned around from I had come to try and run away but my path was blocked by more guys. I felt like a corner animal looking back and forth from each group of guys. I was in the middle of them and both groups were only 10 feet away.

They were all wearing white jumpsuits except for one who stepped out wearing a red jumpsuit. Those eyes looked me up and down with pure evil. Then another guy stepped out beside him it was the guy from yesterday except now with his uncovered face I could see a bruise on the side of his face.

"Is this the girl cuz?" the guy in the red jumpsuit asked

"Yeah that's her Osanai" my attacker replied

Osanai looked at me with a smirk "My cuz here said you attacked him yesterday"

"Sorry I think you have the wrong person" I hated that my voice shook

"Not many people walking around that look like you" Osanai replied

This person made me feel disgusting I wanted to go home and take another bath.

"I think you owe my cuz proper apology. You can use that body of yours to show him just how sorry you are" Osanai subjected

A slimy grin pulled across the cousin's face. If I didn't get out of this situation I would be fuck as in figuratively and physically. Osanai took a step towards me but I was already running back towards the path I had come from. Even though five guys were standing in the direction I was running it was the better option. If I went the way the red jumpsuit was standing there would be no way I could get past him.

The group of guys snickered as I got close to them. They weren't expecting me to get past them but I wasn't trying to out-muscle them. There was a trash can to the left of them I jumped up onto it. Even though it wobbled slightly I was able to keep my balance. I push off the trash enough to flip over the group of guys. The momentum sent me forward into a run. I was off and running but the group started to cash after me. Worst of all I dropped my food when I did my flip over those assholes.

Now with a broken heart over my lost food, I ran as my life depended on it. I zigzag out of different alleyways trying to lose the group of delinquents. My body started to lose stamina I wouldn't be able to keep up for much longer. If I was quick hopefully I could get home before anyone saw me.

I cut down another alley that leads to the front of my apartment. It felt like I was home-free until a pair of hands wrapped around my waist. I slung my arm back weakly hitting the person in the face. "Y/n it's me" It was Kaisuke's voice but went I looked back it didn't look like him. This guy's long black was past his shoulders flowing loosely. The expression on his face was a deep scowl also he had no glasses. This guy wasn't the nerd Kaisuke I knew this guy was hot. Even though he was hot I still struggled in his grip.