Chapter 7 Meeting

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After school today Nahoya aka Smiley was assigned to watch me. He brought his brother, Souya aka Angry, with him. Angry was such a nice guy despite his face. Now, his brother Smiley was always making snide remarks towards me. Even with that, I was happy that they were taking me to see my brother. It had been a few days since I had seen him.

I was riding on the back of Smiley's motorbike as we made our way to my brother's school. Smiley just like his friends liked to drive fast. I had to hold on tight as he swerved in and out of traffic. I couldn't wait for the day when I wouldn't have to ride on the back of these vehicles again.

Smiley stopped just outside Mizo Middle School. I got off the back of his bike handing him the hamlet he had lent me. He took it hanging it on his handlebar.

"Don't take too long we have to meet up with Mikey soon" Smiley ordered

"Be safe Y/n if you run across any trouble just run to us we'll be here" Angry added

I gave them a nod as I made my way into the school. My school uniform earned me a lot of stares from the students still at the school. I had texted Takemichi from Smiley's phone to meet me at the school roof. I wanted to have some privacy for our conversation. I found the stairs well and made my way up to the school.

The school was smaller than my own so it only took three flights of stairs to get to the doorway of the rooftop. The door was unlocked so I was able to walk out to the rooftop. Just like I had asked Takemichi was there but what I didn't expect was for his friends to be there as well. I had known Akkun, Takuya, Makoto, and Yamagishi as long as my brother had but I still wonder why they were there. My brother must have seen the confusion on my face as he went into explaining himself as soon as I approached the group.

"I know you wanted for it to just be us but I told the gang about what happened and they wanted to cheek on you. I am sorry Y/n" My brother bowed apologizing to me

"It's fine Onii-San I was just surprised that's all"

"Is it true that Moebius is after you?" Yomagishi asked quite eagerly as he pushed up the glasses that had fallen slightly

I felt a little awkward but I answered the question honestly "Yeah one of the captain's cousins tried to attack me while I was walking home from school so I knocked him out with a kick"

"Wow that's a strong kick you got there y/n. You should learn to fight from your sister Takemichi" Makoto said with a laugh the others joined in on the laughter

Takemichi became a little embarrassed by Makoto's suggestion. His face busted red from embarrassment which he tried to hide by looking away from us.

"Are you safe Y/n" Takuya's worried question caused everyone to stop laughing

A smile spread across my face as I found it sweet that Takuya was worried about me. Takemichi couldn't have asked for a better group of friends.

"Yeah, I am fine. My friend Keisuke is a captain for the Tokyo Manji Gang so I am under their protection until the situation with Moebius comes to an end" I explained