Chapter 6 Sleepover

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I watched as Y/n fell asleep laying her head on the living table. Her hair sprawled out on the table like a halo. There was part of me that felt bad for never calling Baji like Y/n had wanted. She wanted to go back to Baji what was so special about him anyway? I was stronger than him y/n should have wanted to be with me not Baji. That's why I never called him I just texted him saying Y/n was sleepy so she was just going to sleep at my house today. Then I turn my phone off to avoid any of his calls or texts. It was no surprise to me when Y/n fell asleep like I knew she would. She always worked hard throughout the day making her tired. Y/n let out a soft moan as she stirred in her sleep getting Ken-Chin's attention.

"Is she asleep?" Ken-Chin asked

"Yeah all that schoolwork must have tired her out," I replied

Ken-Chin squinted his eyes at me for a moment wondering if he should believe me or if I had done something more sinister "She shouldn't sleep at the table. She could catch a cold"

"You're right I'll take her to my room. She can sleep in my bed and I'll sleep in the living room" I said jumping at the opportunity to carrie Y/n

I didn't wait for Ken-Chin to say anything as I lifted Y/n into my arms. Her body was limp her head slumped against my chest. She was easy to lift for someone like me. I left the living room taking the stairs to my room. My room was the first room on the left at the top of the stairs. I kick my bedroom door open swiftly shutting it behind me. My room was dark but I knew the layout by heart. I went straight to my bed placing Y/n down on it.

Y/n's hair was covering her face so I pushed the strains behind her ear. My heart thumped in my chest as I looked at her perfect face. How could there be someone so beautiful in this world and why did it take me so long to find her? There was hate in my gut for Baji since he had never introduced Y/n to me sooner. He was trying to be selfish keeping her all for himself.

Y/n let out another soft moan pulling me out of my haterd. The sound made heat rush to my face. I had the urge to kiss her but I wanted our first kiss to be when she was awake. The more I thought about it the more I realized she didn't have to know that she had already lost her first kiss. So I leaned down to bring our faces closer together until my lips touched her soft lips. I moved my lips gently against hers even though her lips stayed motionless it still excited me.

That was until there were sounds of footsteps approaching my room. I pulled away from Y/n, unfortunately, moving quickly to my bedroom door. I opened the door before the person could knock. It was Emma standing there. Ken-Chin must have sent her to cheek on Y/n.

"What," I asked Emma a little annoyed with my sister

She glared at me not liking the tone of my voice "I came to change Y/n it's not good for her to sleep in her uniform"

Emma was holding a change of clothes in her hand. I felt jealous that Emma was going to get to see Y/n in her underwear but knew it would be strange if I asked to change her myself.