Chapter 9 Candy Bar

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"Y/n please don't go" Mikey whined for the hundredth time as I walked to my house. He was following right behind me Draken was not far behind him. Thanks to my brother those two were finally talking to each other again. Even though Pah will be in juivi for a year everything has been going back to normal. 

"I said no Mikey-" I snapped becoming increasingly frustrated with Mickey's childish ways "-Osanai is still in the hospital and Moebius has disbanded. I am safe and I want to go home anyway my mother is supposed to return from her business trip next week. If I am not here I will be in a world of trouble" 

Mikey huffed as he puffed out his cheeks like a chipmunk. 

"Listen to her Mikey-" Draken agrees with me and has been trying to convince Mikey to chill out along with me "-We can still have some of our members patrol the area for any straggling Moebius members" 

Even though I could tell Mikey wanted to argue further he didn't. It was a reflex to see my house once again. I stop at the front door. The landlord had changed the locks once I explained that I had lost my keys. At least I wouldn't have to worry about anyone getting in with the old keys. I didn't unlock the door yet. I turned to look at Mikey and Draken. 

"I'll invite you inside but I need you to realize I have to clean the house. My mother will be home soon and if she sees even a pinch of dust she will freak." I didn't want to invite them in at all but I didn't want to be rude since they helped me so much


"No-" Draken spoke cutting off Mikey "-We have plans don't we Mikey-" he didn't let Mikey answer "-We just wanted to make sure you got home okay but we'll be off now. Bye Y/n"

Draken grabbed Mikey by the shoulders dragging him away.  Mikey looked like he wanted to run back to me but he allowed the taller male to pull him away. 

"Bye Y/n," Mikey said sadly

I watched the two walk away once the two were out of sight I unlocked the door. It had been a couple of weeks but I could smell the dust in the air. After shutting the door I made sure to lock it behind me. 

"Takemichi" I shouted for my brother but he didn't answer. He must be out with his friends or his girlfriend. 

After tossing my bags onto my bed I went straight to cleaning. I whipped the dust off every surface before sweeping the floors. I used lemon-scented cleaner to mop the floors. The worst part was cleaning the fridge. I hadn't emptied it before leaving so it had rotten food inside it. I threw everything away before scrubbing the fridge from top to bottom. I would rather clean the toilets over and over again before I do that fridge again. 

The was still plenty of sunlight as I set off to buy groceries. If I was going to cook tonight I would have to restock the fridge. The market was only three blocks away. It was nice to feel normal again.