Chp 11 Future

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Today Hinata, my brother's girlfriend, invited Emma and I to have a sleepover at her house. There goes my last day of the weekend. I needed to learn how to use the word no.

Emma and I were seated with Hinata on her bedroom floor. We had various snacks spread out among us to share. The plan was to watch a scary movie while snacking on the food but we got caught in talking with each other. Hinata and Emma really enjoyed talking to each other. I, on the other hand, just enjoyed listening to them while snacking on the food. 

"So your brother gets to come home from the hospital in three days" Hinata commented on something Emma had said

"Yes the doctors said he is recovering fast for someone who spent the last four years in a coma. I just can't wait to have him home again. We are going to throw a huge party for him to welcome him home." I could feel Emma's eyes shift to me "Shinchiro asked me to invite you Y/n. He wants the opportunity to thank you" 

I almost choked on the chip that was in my mouth "Thank me? Why?" I said dumbfounded

"Yes he said once he felt you holding his hand it was like you were leading him out of the darkness. Shinichiro is convince that you are the reason he is awake" Emma explained

"I am sure he would have come out of his coma even if I wasn't there. '' I didn't want to sound rude but everything Shinichiro was saying sounded crazy to me. I doubt I had anything to  do with him waking up.

Emma frowned slightly "Well he still wants to thank you and it would mean alot to me if you came to the party" 

Emma gave me her signature puppy dog eyes that always seemed to work on me. 

"Fine I'll come with you-" I agree even though I didn't want to "-i need to piss" 

I got up and made my way out of the room. "I wasn't too pushy was I?" Emma quietly asked Hinata as I shut the door to the room. I didn’t get to hear what Hinata said in reply. 

I stayed in the bathroom for a moment. My emotions were all over the place and I needed to calm down. I splash water on my face letting the cool liquid calm me down. I dry my face and hands before leaving the bathroom. 

As soon as I left the bathroom a little kid was standing right outside in the hallway. His face turned red when he saw me there.

"I thought it was Hinata in the bathroom. I'm sorry" the kid looked flustered and I found that amusing. I let out a giggle which only caused him to blush harder. 

"It's fine. I didn't know Hinata had a little brother" I replied

"She's only two years older than me so she's not that much older" it sounded like he was trying to prove a point to me

"Well it's nice to meet you. I am Y/n Hanagaki. My twin brother is Takemichi Hanagaki" I introduce myself

"TAKEMICHI IS YOUR TWIN BROTHER-" the kid shouted in shock before covering his mouth after calming down he pulled his hand away and I could see that his face was red again "-It's nice to meet you Hanagaki-San. I am Naoto Tachibana"

He reached out holding his hand out for me to shake. I reach out taking his hand as soon as our hands touch an electric current shot up through my arm. Everything went black.

(adult scene ahead)

The darkness started to fade and everything was coming back. Something felt off. My body felt extremely hot like I was in a sauna. My vagina felt like it was being stretched but it didn't hurt. The feeling actually felt good. There were sounds coming out of my mouth that I had never made before. 

My vision was coming back to my eyes. It was blurry at first then slowly focused in like a camera. There was a man above me. There was sweat dripping off his body and on to my own. He looked like he was enjoying himself. He had blonde hair that was covering his face but I could see a tattoo on the side of his neck. 

When I looked down in between our bodies I could see why I had the feeling of my privates being stretched. We were connected together as he pumped his cock in and out of my core. I was freaking out when I noticed that my body didn't look like my own. It was more mature with a larger breast and a curvy waist. This wasn't my 16 year old body, this was the body of a mature woman. 

What the fuck was happening?

I went to push at the guy's chest but he grabbed both my wrist in one of his hands pinning them above my head. He still had one free hand so he reached down rubbing my clit causing me to release a moan. 

"Fuck Y/n you feel so good" the guy moaned out

That voice. I knew that voice.

"Mikey" I said his name with a gasp

The hand that was rubbing my clit gave it a quick pop causing me to yelp. 

"Don't call me that fucking kid name. It's Manjro now and you know that. I'm tired of punishing you for the same thing" Mikey was angry as he pound into me faster

That blonde hair of his shifted so that I could see his face. He no longer had a baby face now it was mature, belonging to man. Those dark eyes of his now looked colder than when we were kids. 

The sex didn't feel good anymore as he pounded me faster and faster. Mikey didn't care about my whines as he just kept thrusting into me. I watched Mikey through teary eyes as he was reaching his high. Those cold eyes stared into mine as he cummed into me. I never finished like him but I felt comfort when he stilled inside of me. He didn't pull out of me as he just held me and stared down at me. 

"Do you love me" Mikey asked

Of course I wasn't going to tell him the truth "Yes I love you so much Manjro" 

Mikey smiled believing my lie. Mikey pulled out of me and it stung but I held in my whimper. Mikey shifted us so that we were both laying on our sides. He forced me to cuddle against his chest as he rubbed my back. It would have actually felt nice if it wasn't for the throbbing pain in my vagina. I didn't realize how much energy sex could take out of a person.

My eyes started to lower as I fought against sleep. I needed to escape. I need to return to where I came from. I needed to find Naota. When I shook his hand I ended up here so he had to know about his special power. If not then I would just look like a crazy person to him but at least I would have tried to get back. 

There was no way I was finding Naoto now, not with adult Mikey holding me. I let my eyes shut, deciding I would need my strength if I was going to find Naoto. I only hope that I will find him quickly. 





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