Chapter 8 Libary

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I had to go to the library today. There was an important history paper I had to finish before the weekend. Unfortunately, I had procrastinated all week so now I was in a rush to get it done. Mikey had ordered a small group of Tokyo Manji gang members to watch over me most I hadn't met yet. They had been in the library with me but were quickly kicked out after causing a ruckus. I acted like I didn't know them to avoid being kicked out myself.

I was sitting at a large table with books open up in front.  I was switching back and forth between books writing down the important information. Just like most schoolwork, I was working through this paper very quickly. I was so focused on the paper I didn't notice that a person had taken the seat in front of me.

"What are you working on"

I looked up at the guy with a smooth voice. The way his gold eyes stared at me sent a shiver down my spine. I place my pencil down not wanting to focus on the paper anymore. This guy felt like a predator requiring all of my attention. He held his thin face in his tattooed hands. A large smile dawned on his face.

"What cat got your tongue" the unknown male joked

"Do I know you?" I asked as this stranger

"The name is Shuji Hanma" Hanma held his hand out to me to shake but I didn't reach for it causing him to retreat his hand "No need to introduce yourself I already know all about you Y/n"

The bad feeling in my gut just grew after he said my name. I know I had never met this guy before his looks were too unique to forget. Also, my memory was like a steal trap locking everything in it.

"Are you with Moebius" I stayed calm as I asked even though was freaking out on the inside

Hanma let out a chuckle "You are smart Y/n but don't worry I am not here to harm you"

"Why are you here then" I retorted

Hanma's eyes roamed over my body stopping at my face. He made me feel like I needed to shower.

"I was just interested in the princess of the Tokyo Manji gang," Hanma said with a grin "I guess you could say I am very interested now"

I looked around the library to see if anyone else was seeing this strange interaction I was having. The library was mostly empty except for the librarian who sat at the check-out desk near the front entrance. There were also a few adults using the computers that sat in the far corner of the library. I was using one of the tables that sat center of the library. It wasn't close to the checkout counter or the computers. If I needed to I could run to the front door. That would cause a lot of commotion getting everyone's attention stopping Hanma from what he had planned. Also, the Toman members were right outside the library waiting for me so they would offer protection against Hanma.

"Don't be scared Y/n I am not here to hurt you" Hanma said pulling me out of my thoughts "Also I heard you are good at fighting so I doubt I would stand a chance"