Chp 12 Future Pt 2

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There was a throbbing in between my legs every time my body would shift the pain would only intensify. It was only a perverted dream so why did my body hurt so bad? This wasn’t my first time having a wet dream but it was the first time I had pain from it. Usually I just had wet undergarments I had to shamefully change once I woke up.

I didn’t want to wake up but I could hear birds chirping outside the window signaling it was time to get up. The covers felt way softer than the ones I had on my own bed. Then I remember that I had a sleepover with Emma and Hinata last night. Now knowing that I had a wet dream while sleeping at my friend's house was even more embarrassing. Hopefully no one would be awake or I would die from embarrassment.

There was a mix of confusion swirling in my head when I noticed that the room I was in was not a teenagers room. I quickly got up from the large bed with the soft sheets. The cold air nipped at my skin when I noticed that I had no clothes on. I dashed away from the bed as my body slammed into a dresser that sat across the room. There was a mirror attached to the top of the dresser and I could see my frightened reflection looking back at me. It wasn’t a dream I was in an older version of myself so that meant I had sex last night with an older version of Miley. 

I pushed past the panic as the concern to find something to cover myself felt more important at the moment. There were only two doors in the room. The first door I tried was locked and no matter how hard I try to open it it wouldn’t budge. The second door wasn’t locked like the first so I was able to open it. Inside of the room was a bathroom that was the same size as my apartment. It had a bathtub, shower, steam room, a large walk in closet, and a toilet made out of gold. Even though the toilet was made of gold it felt like any other toilet. 

Now the shower felt better than anything I had ever felt before. I stood under the multiple shower heads until my fingers began to wrinkle. Even the towels were super plushy and soft. I wrapped a towel around my body as I got out of the shower. I went into the walk-in closet looking through the clothes to the left where mens clothes and on the right were women's clothes. Each piece of clothing was a designer brand. There was nothing but dresses and lingerie on the women's side of the closet. I looked at Mikey’s side of the closet contemplating putting on a dress shirt and a pair of pants but realized how ridiculous I would look in the baggy clothing. I settled on wearing a blue sundress that flowed down to knee length but still had a deep neckline. Unfortunately the shoes option was just as bad as the only thing to wear would make me six inches taller. The brown wedges would be the best option to not bust my face with. There was plenty of makeup on the counter to make me look like a model but I didn’t use any of it. I have spent enough time in the bathroom as staying in here wouldn’t help me get home. 

There was a sense of uneasiness as I entered back into the locked room and good reason to be as there was an unknown man waiting for me in there. While I was in the bathroom there was a table brought into the room and loaded down with food. There were two seats and the man was occupying one of them. He wasn’t touching the food as he watched the news on the TV that was mounted to the wall. 

I didn’t want to raise any suspicion that I wasn't the right Y/n so I did what I thought was expected of me. I went over to the empty seat taking it as my own. My chair scraped the floor gaining the male's attention. He turned to me with a large smile on his face. When he smiled I knew who he was as in the past I had just recently met him at the library. Hanma. He still had his black hair with blonde strips but it was styled a lot better. He now had glasses on and I wonder if he needed them or if he just thought he looked cool with them on. Also his taste in clothing got better as he sported a sharp looking suit that looked great on his slim frame. He was also still supporting those tattoos on the back of both of his hands. 

“I like the natural look on you Y/n it reminds me of when we first meet” Hanma said winking at me

“Thanks” I answered before munching on an onigiri that was near me. My plan was to keep eating so I didn’t have to answer any of his questions. 

He stopped watching the news as his eyes didn’t leave me. I had already eaten two Onigiri and a handful of fruit when I felt like my stomach was going to burst. I had no idea what I was supposed to do after I ate breakfast. Then a name on the TV caught my attention. 

“New said burning newscast” the dark headed news reporter words almost made my food come back up. Hinata was dead and it was Mikey’s gang's fault. 

“What’s wrong?” Hanma asked as the smile left his face

I was wondering why he was looking at me so worriedly when I felt the first tear roll down my check. My eyes burnt as more tears fell down my face. 

“She was my friend” I was all I could say

Hanma looked towards the TV. I could tell that he didn’t care about the girl who had died, that he was more concerned about me. “Oh I’m sorry to hear that Y/n but accidents happen all the time in our line of work. It’s just another casualty”

I wanted to yell at him for referring to Hinata as just a casualty but I held back. Even though this was tragic it did give me an opportunity to get to Naoto Tachibana. 

“I would like to give my condolences to her family” I stated as I whip the tears from my face

“I doubt Mikey well allowed that” Hanma answered 

I reach across the table taking Hanma’s hand into my own. I could feel him shiver from my touch. 

“Please Hanma this important to me” I begged

“Fine-” he said as a mischievous glint shined in his eye “-I will expect something in return Y/n” 


He let out a groan causing me to recoil my hand. Hanma stood adjusting his suit and leaned down placing a kiss to the top of my head.

“I’ll be back finish eating” he mutter before leaving me in the room

Hanma touched me so naturally that I could only wonder how intimate we have been. What kind of woman did I grow up to be? 





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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22 ⏰

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