Chapter 10 Let Me Hold Your Hand

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I hate hospitals. I hate the smell. I hate the cold air following throughout the building. I especially hate the sad energy that surrounds the building so why am I even at a hospital right now?

"He's this way Y/n" 

I looked up at Emma who was leading me through the halls of the hospital. There was a bright smile across her face and that's how I ended up here. I was trying to enjoy my Saturday at home when Emma showed up at my front door. She had been on her way to visit her brother, Shinchiro, at the hospital. Shinchiro had been in a coma for the past three years and I had never met him but Emma still had convinced me to join her. 

"So you brother Shinichiro is he getting any better since he went into his coma?" I asked as I was curious about the unknown male

I could see that Emma had gripped the flowers in her hand a little tighter. The hand that was holding mine didn't tighten at all as she was slightly able to keep her composure.

"No, he hasn't the doctors are trying to convince Gramps to take him off the machines and let nature take its course but Gramps is against it. I'm also against it I know Shinchiro will wake up one day. Even if Mikey doesn't think so." Emma's smile disappeared as she spoke

I wanted to cheer her up "I am sure he will wake up soon Emma you just have to believe" 

Emma was smiling again "You're right Y/n"

Emma stopped in front of room number 069. She opened the door went inside and dragged me in with her. The room was dark the only light coming from the machines that were softly beeping. 

Emma let out a huff as she let go of my hand and made her way to the windows. She threw open the curtains letting in the afternoon light to the room. I squint my eyes at the bright light it only took a moment for my eyes to adjust to the light.

Now I could see the room. It was small only big enough for a large bed, some equipment that sat against the wall, and two chairs that were placed on one side of the bed. There was room to walk around the room but the room reminded me of a storage closet. 

At the center of the full-size bed was a man. He was clean-shaven with smooth skin. There was short black hair framing his face. The covers were pulled up to his chest with his arms lying outside of the covers. He reminded me of Mikey. 

"I've explained to the nurse that Shinchiro needs four hours of sunlight a day" Emma explained as she took a seat beside the bed

Emma pats the empty seat next to her offering it to me. She wanted me to sit beside her but I just couldn't. There was something about this sleeping man that freaked me out. I felt like I was in danger and needed to get away. 

"I'm going to grab us some drinks from the drink machine" I made up an excuse as I left the the room

Even though I wanted to run out of the hospital I didn't. There was no real reason I should feel uneasy. It was just a hospital and Shinchiro was just a man in a coma but why did both of these things make me uneasy?