Chapter 1 New Brother

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The train was packed with people going to work and school. I was jammed in between my brother and one of his friends. Their conversation was uninteresting to me so I stared at my phone texting one of my friends. The train jolted to a stop causing me to fall forward into a guy's chest.

"Sorry Akkun," I said while putting space between us

The plum-haired male's ears were burning red. He rubbed the back of his neck with his hand turning his eyesight to his feet. He had always been very shy around me.

"It's fine Y/n-Chan," Akkun said in a small voice

The train's doors open allowing the people on board to spill out. I followed behind Akkun making our way off of the train. The four males stop turning around to look back at the train. I copied them turning around to see my twin brother just standing there. His eyes were wide as they stared straight at me.

"What's up Takemichi," his friend Takuya asked

Takemichi's blue eyes filled with tears as he ran out of the train engulfing me in a tight hug. My brother's tears soaked my school blazer.

"I thought I lost you forever," my brother said through tears

Those words sent a shiver down my spine as I pulled away from him. I wiped the tears away from his face. We were getting some stares from bystanders.

"What did you say" I asked

Takemichi looked flustered before speaking to me "It was nothing Y/n I am just happy to see you that's all"

You gave him a deadpan look "You saw me as soon as we got up this morning"

"I guess I just finally woke up" he replied

Takemichi was acting stranger than usual but I decided to ask him about it at home instead of the middle of the train station. I gave Takemichi a nod before grabbing his hand and leading him over to his waiting friends. They were also giving my brother strange looks but I couldn't blame them. It's not every day you see someone burst into tears at the train station.

After exiting the train station I parted ways with the group. They went to Mizo Middle School where I went to Kungigaoka Academy. Kungigaoka Academy was a better school than Mizo Middle School thanks to my high test grades I was able to get in. It wasn't that every student that went there was smart. The school just tries to keep the majority of students smart kids.

At Kunugigaoka Academy it was pushed to be the best and if you weren't the best then you were looked down upon. These students were all stressed out they had extra classes, cram schools, and tutors on the weekend. They all hated me because I never tried but still was able to stay in the top ten of my class. They knew I didn't go to cram school or had no tutors and they hated me for it. It's not that I was smart I just had a photographic memory which helped a lot. The only subject that was hard was math but I always got by in the subject fine.