Chapter 4 Name

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It was almost midnight and I still hadn't left the warehouse. Mikey had sent out guys an hour ago to look for my things but it was taking forever. Once Mikey got the text that my belongings were nowhere to be found we had to assume the worst. Moebius had gotten ahold of not just my phone, but my wallet I had my school ID with my address on it, but also my house key. Right now my house would be the most dangerous place for me to be.

"You can stay with me" Kaisuke offered after we found out my stuff was gone

Mikey grabbed my waist pulling me into a hug "No Y/n stay with me"

"I just met you today Mikey" I snapped

It was the mild of the night and I was frustrated. My stuff was gone and I couldn't go home. Also, I was in danger and so was my family. All I wanted was to go home and sleep but I couldn't even do that.

"Y/nnnn don't be mean" Mikey whined

Kaisuke pulled me away from Mikey and I didn't miss the glare Mikey sent Kaisuke.

"She should stay with me since I've known her longer" Kaisuke stated

"So I know you Kaisuke? I didn't know you were a gangster. I didn't even know that you wore a disguise to school." The pain in my heart stabbed through me I hated I didn't know the real Kaisuke "I'll stay with Cuffuyu"

Nahoya snickered as he asked "Should we let her know the Chifuyu is also in Toman"

So it wasn't just Kaisuke who had deceived me but Chifuyu as well. My two best friends who I told everything to never let me know the real them. I could feel the urge to cry building up in my throat but I swallowed it down.

"I guess I have no choice but to stay with you, BAJI. I am only staying because I like your mom" My voice came out monotone as I spoke

"Baji...You never call me that" Kaisuke murmured in disbelief

I turned to the four males who were watching our conversation. They looked at me with pity and I hated it. They were acting like we were a couple who had just broken up.

"thank you for your help" After I spoke I turned to Kaisuke "I'll be waiting for you outside Baji. Don't worry I'll stay near your motorbike"

I went outside the warehouse the night sky held the moon giving light to everything on the ground. Kaisuke's motorbike was parked outside the warehouse. I leaned against the motorbike waiting for him to come outside. It didn't take long for Kaisuke to come outside. His face was scrunched up making him look extra piss but his face soften when his eyes landed on me.

"Y/n I know you are mad at me but I never meant to lie to you" Kaisuke tried to explain

"I know that wasn't your attention I just wish you trusted me enough to show me the real you. It's like you are a stranger to me" I said while kicking some rocks that lay next to my foot