Chapter 5 Homework

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"Why are we going to werehouse" I whined from the back of Keisuke's motorbike. We had stopped at a stop light and he could finally hear me speak.

"Mikey wants me to bring you and it's not just a warehouse it's also the gang hangout" Keisuke explained

"So what do you always do what Mikey says" I asked

Kaisuke didn't get a chance to reply as the light turned green. He revived his bike taking off. I let out a small squeal from the sound movement. My arms wrapped around Keisuke's waist even harder. He said I would get used to being on a motorbike but I didn't believe him.

When the motorbike came to a stop outside of the same warehouse from last night I couldn't stop this annoyed feeling from rising within me. I should be home doing my homework not hanging out with gangsters but with Moebius after me it still wasn't safe to go home. It was good that Mom was overseas for work for the next month. I doubt I would be able to explain this situation to her. Keisuke had allowed me to borrow his phone so I could explain everything to my brother this morning. Takemichi was worried but once I told him I was being protected by Toman his voice relaxed over the phone. Then he told me that Mickey had come to his school today and kidnapped him not before Mickey got slapped by Hinata. I wish I could have been there to see Hinata smack Mickey. Mikey was interested in not just me but also my brother. Why?

"Hey stop zoning out and let's go," Keisuki said snapping me out of my thoughts

"Yeah yeah we can't have King Mickey waiting" I sarcastically replied

Keisuke was off the motorbike waiting for me. I hop off the motorbike leaving the borrowed helmet on the seat.

"Thanks for the helmet Kei-Kun"

Keisuke face busted into a deep red "Don't call me that shit. I am not some fucking kid"

I chuckled at his reaction. There were other motorbikes nearby which meant other people here. I followed behind Keisuke as he led the way into the building. Unlike yesterday I pay attention to my surroundings. The warehouse wasn't empty there were a couple of couches in the middle of the warehouse that were facing each other. An old worn-out table sat in between the two couches. Some crates were dragged into random spots I was sure people had used them to sit on.

I had been right when I thought there were people here already. Mikey was sitting on one of the couches eating from a bag of various candies. Draken sat on the opposite end of the couch reading a manga. Keisuke's loud footsteps gave our presence away we walked toward the two other males. Mickey's face lit up when he saw me following behind Keisuke.

"Y/nchin" Mickey cheerfully said the nickname he gave me

Mikey's dark eyes brighten up by my presence. That was until he saw the mark on my face I got from the delinquent pushing my face into a stone wall. Mikey gracefully jumped up from the couch running towards me. I closed my eyes preparing to be locked into a huge but was surprised when I felt a gentle hand grab my face. My eyes snapped open as Mikey moved my face to the side to get a better look at the marks on me. My own eyes locked onto his the dark eyes that looked even darker now than they had before. Mikey eyes snapped to Keisuke who stood beside us.