The Mall

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''Are we done yet?'' Destiny asked unpacient.

Jordan nods, ''Hot Topic's giving us a discount so I guess not.''

''Sweet!'' Matt screams and runs inside.

Everyone was running around going crazy from all the good merchandise.

''Wacha gunna buy?'' Taylor asked Isabella.

''I don't know. Probably a bag and a few shorts. Or I might just go across the store and buy new wheels for my skateboard.'' She smiles and skips down to where I am.

''Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles!!'' Aaron tries to imitate a little girl.

''I know right?!'' me and Isabella stare at it then move on. I put an arm on Aaron's waist.

I end up buying two bellybutton piercings, three crop tops, and an Avenged Sevenfold guitar pick.

Meanwhile, Aaron buys two BVB picks and a Varsity jacket with a 'D' on the left of his chest.

The girls, of course, took advantage of the discount and bought a million things. From bags, to skinny jeans. They bought one of everything.

Matt, Jorel, and Dylan were already on the bus so we rounded the rest of the crew and sped off to a gas station.

For the rest of the week we needed to stay in Jacksonville for the photo shoot on Wednesday. Their's going to be two pictures of us together and three of us each alone. The band was going to have a huge peice of the magizine.

''What time is it?!'' Aaron slumped on my shoulders, making it an effort to stand.

''If you're tired go to the bunks.''

He groans, ''See you there?''

I nod and go change. I put on a black tank top with 'Part Of The Band' printed on the back and replace my jeans with shorts.

''Sleepy already.'' Johnny says smiling.

''Oh crap, Johnny you missed alot. You've been passed out the whole day.'' I sit on the edge of Aaron's bunk.

''Can you guys go to sleep, its already two in the morning!'' Dylan yelled from the bunk bellow.

''Night, Johnny.''

''Night.'' he turns off the light.

I slip in next to Aaron. The privacy curtain sweeps by. He smiles and puts an arm over my shouler.

''Good night.'' He wispers, ''Love you.''

''Love you too.'' I nudge in closer to him and he gives me a kiss on the forehead.

* I now its a little short, probably, but thanks for readdings :D it means alot, you have no clue ♡*

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now