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''There they are.'' Dylan says alarming the guys.

Jordan takes in Molly. ''I've missed you.'' she hugs him tighter and Jordan kisses her forehead.

I laugh under my breath from the 'tough girl' act she tries to pull off without him.

''What's so funny?'' Aaron lifts up my chin with his hand.

His eyes lure me in. I can't help but lean in and kiss him.

''I can't WAIT til I get a boyfriend..'' Isabella stomps on the bus.

He starts smiling and leads me inside.

I kick off my heels and put them away. I see someone staring, the person stands close to the mirror.

''I just realized how amazing you look from behind.'' Aaron smirks.

I smile, ''Really?''

''Aye, you, stop tryin' to get laid and get both of your asses out here Jorel's got news.'' Destiny's that one person that's upfront about everything.

I roll my eyes and walk out with Aaron after she's gone.

''Ok, so listen up. I'm only going to say this once. Since we have a concert in two days with 'Fit For Rivals', there's going to be about three more bands joining us at the last minute. They are; 'Black Veil Brides', 'Avenged Sevenfold', and 'Her Bright Skies'.'' Jorel then gives us a schedule, with literaly ever move we make on it, ''We're the opening act with the girls. They choose the song though.'' he adds.

We all look at eachother, ''Lion!!''

He nods, ''Well i'm taking a nap. I have a KILLER headache so no one disturb me or there will be one less person on this bus.''

Some of the guys snickered menisingly. Serious shit was about to go down.

I look at my schedule. Seems perfect enough. I go into the back room and put it in my bag.

''You still have that?'' Taylor bursts out laughing.

''What's wrong with Sugarcult?!'' I say surprised while taking out a beanie.

''They're a lost cause girlie.'' she yawns.

''That's your opinion, don't get me started Taylor.'' With that I put on the beanie and plug in my earbuds to listen to 'Bullet For My Valentine' at full volume.

I have almost all of their songs. I yawn and sneak into my bunk without paying attention to anyone. I close the curtains behind me. Sleeping was the last thing on my mind though. I would rather play games. After a few minutes I was blinded by a corner of light, then i'm forced to take off my earbuds.

''Are you okay, love?'' Aaron crawls in beside me.

''Yea, why?'' I scoot over and make room for him.

''I thought you were mad or something.'' He then lays down and plays with a strand of my hair.

''If you're talking about what hapened with Taylor, that was nothing.'' I lay down too.

''Are you sure?'' he asks taking off my beanie.

''Hey! Thats mine, and i'm pretty sure.''

he sudenly tells me to shush and wispers,''Do you hear that babe?''

I nod no.

''Exacly.'' He opens the curtains and the whole bus is around our bunk.

''What the hell.'' I wisper.

''Shut up, we were worried..'' Dylan slumped on the couch and cracked open a beer.

''What? I can't listen to music and play video games in peace?'' I shoot a 'watever' face to them and climb over Aaron to close the curtain.

I love the band, both bands (don't get me wrong they're my family) but sometimes you need time alone to just catch up on video games or music.

Imedietly, the second he gets the chance, Aaron wraps me up andets me lay on his chest. ''Don't stress about it. You know how they can be.

''Its just one day..'' I sigh in defence.

''I know, I know. It'll get better tomarow.'' He squeezes my hand.

''Aaron!'' Taylor screams.

''What?!'' he screams back.

''You left your phone out here, bro.'' She hands it to him not bothering to open the privacy curtain. ''Tell Karen I said hi..''

That made me giggle. ''Hey, Taylor.''

''OH MY GOSH SHE TALKED.'' T-Dog ran out to another room. I think.

Aaron and I busted out laughing. It was pretty funny. After that we ended up playing games against eachother.

''I'm gonna beat you babe!'' He yells.

''Oh please, i'm ahead of you.'' I mess up his hair and take my beanie back.

''Not for long.'' He smiles and kisses me.

''Do plan on over powering me?!''

''Um, no..'' he then slides even closer to me and makes me wipe out.

''Nooo.'' I wisper. Yelling over a game isn't my thing. Thats Destiny and Isabella.

We end up playing five or six hours straight. We never noticed til I went outside for a drink.

*Okayy, so because i'm working on 'Angel Wings' (planning to finish it soon) i am going to put this book on hold .....swwwy guys! (I'm also planning a second book for 'Angel Wings') Thanks for the reads!!!*

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now