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''I don't want you cutting again. Not like when we first met.'' He calms his voice a bit.

''Where the fuck is this coming from?! I have no reason to cut. My life may be messed up but i've gotten over that Aaron.'' I felt my side ache.

His expresion turns blank, ''I-I'm sorry, I had a nightmare last night and its been eating me alive ever since. I freaked out because of the song. It was the only you ever sang, played, or listened to back then.''

I fall back and lean on the wall, ''You still remember?''

He nods, ''It was the first song I ever heard you sing.''

I sigh, it was all true. I was a mess with scars everywhere. All over my arms, they were always the first thing I saw when I would wake up. The whole drug adict thing engulfed me and all I did was sing and play guitar or keyboard. I only did that when I was alone but Aaron caught me singing one day. After that I never talked to anyone for a month straight but Johnny finnaly cracked me and he was the only person that I would talk to.

Johnny told the band it was because of my parents, which was half true, they abandoned me at the time.

I could still hear my dad's voice on that day. He had said I was a sorry excuse for a girl and that I would never be his daughter again.

I snap back to life and bite my lip.

Aaron leans in a kisses me. I pull myself closer to him. He was always there to help with my problems but I felt guilty, I didn't tell him about my first life.

I lay my head on his chest, ''I love you.''

''Love you too.'' He kisses me once more.

I close my eyes and hope tomarow would be better.


''We need to talk.'' I had woken up sitting on the table.

''Um, okay.'' I say swiftly.

''We know your secret, Layla.'' The whole bus crowded around me. Even Josh. ''Every little dirty secret.''

''What...'' I felt tears in my eyes. Aaron couldn't even look at me.

''You little whore.'' Either Dylan or Matt said that.

''Matt, you know its a lie! Ask him! The guy was lying, he set me up.'' My mind was racing.

''Sorry excuse of a girl.''

''Dad?'' I cry out and try to run away.

Aaron stops me and shakes me ''How could you?! I loved you! You never bothered to tell me?!''

''I'm sorry.'' Is all I could say.

I felt myself being caried somewhere. I fight to get away but somone puts chains on my hands.

''Give me another chance!'' I cried, ''Please, i'm sorry! You have to understand. That was the past!''

''Never! Giving you another chance is like giving you another bullet to shoot at Aaron in the head.'' Destiny sounded more like a snake.

After that I start to choke I felt water on my face. They were trying to drown me? I screamed and opened my eyes.

''Babe, Karen! Please calm down.'' Aaron and the rest were over me.

''What hapened.'' I say well awaire, but wanting to test everyone.

''You had a nightmare and you were shouting i'm sorry to your dad.''

Jesse and Johnny look at eachother then look at me. Johnny mouthed 'you're okay'.

I secretly nod and calm down a bit. Atleast they didnt hear anything about a second chance.

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now