Tour Stop 3 and 4; Sonora and Chico, California

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''Sure, what's up?'' He closes the door behind him.

''You know that day when you found be behind the bus?''

He nods.

''I heard you and Aaron shouting at each other, what was that about, dude?''

''Okay, just because we've been through everything, i'm going to be real with you.'' He pauses, ''You know Aaron's assistant, right? Well Aaron made tour a huge thing and the assistant made us pay about a thousand dollars from the band bank account.''

I nod.

''So just after the advertisement and and one tour stop, we were forced to pay about forty-three thousand dollars. I got fed up and screamed at him. That day I told him, he either fires that damn assistant or he doesn't go on tour tomorrow. He made his choice.''

''Damn.'' I was shocked.

''Now you know why he didn't show up and why i'm mad.''

''Do the guys know?''

''Yep. We didn't bother telling the girls because we know how you would act.''

I nod, ''Johnny, I should talk to him.''

''We're in the middle of tour, the only free time you have is the weekend you're getting your second tattoo. That's not going to happen.''

He was right. Aaron won't answer his phone at all, how was I supposed to talk to him. Texting would take longer. He usually doesn't hear his phone go off so it takes him hours to reply.

This is hopeless.

''Should we tell the girls?'' I asked.

''Not now. Even if Aaron did leave, we needa focus on tour right now. I'll tell them the weekend we're free.

That means that I would have to miss the meeting. I'm guessing he'd be okay with it. I made this tattoo a big deal.

*Three Days Later*

It turned out for the rest of tour including yesterday, Jordan will have to substitute for Aaron til he comes back. If he comes back.

It didn't take long for this concert to be over, we only sang four songs. The band split them in half.

Aaron still hasn't showed up. Did he really lead Hollywood Undead without a word? Wow this is stupid.

I tried to call him. Nothing. Again, nothing. On my last try he picked up, ''What?''

Serious? What?

''Were have you been?'' I roll my eyes.

''Babe, i'm in Colorado. I'm sorry.''

Now he was just being bipolar, ''Are you coming back?''

''Yea. After the band gets back to Colorado.''

''Oh okay, well um i'll see you there. Love you, bye.'' Did I really want to get this conversation over with?

''Love you too. I promise everything will be okay, trust me. Just don't tell anyone i'm coming back.



I soaked in the information. Atleast he was coming back but what would Johnny do? What would the guys do? They were still pissed. So am I but not as much as them.

I felt so guilty not telling the girls, they knew Aaron left but they don't know about the costs and the reason he left in the first place.

Three days. Only three short days til we see Aaron.

I sigh. My hand grabs a guitar, I sit down, and play random chords. It helps me think. I just hope everything will be okay.

''What's wrong? You look mad and sad.'' Destiny sits down in front of me.

'''I'm fine. What's to worry about?''

''You hide your emotions well but I can see right through that, bro.'' She smiled and put a hand on my shoulder.

I was a little shocked.

''It'll be okay.'' She gives a thumbs up and then scampered away.

That's Destiny for you.

''Josh! Do you think we will make the trip overnight?'' someone asks randomly.

If you hadn't noticed, someone always needed to know something from Josh. Always.

''I don't know, there's a chance we will.'' He screams.


Even though we didn't need to be in Chico for another day, it was better this way.

I look for a towel in, what seemes to be, a kind of storage closet.

I put my hair in a messy bun and hopped in the shower.


''Morning!! Get up!'' Molly dragged me off the top bunk.

I ended up falling, ''That hurt.''

''Concert is in about an hour.''

''What, did a day already pass?!''

''Yea.'' She laughs, ''You were practically asleep the whole day.''

I rush myself to get dressed and fix my hair. I let it down normally and we run outside. This time, we were up first. We're going to sing one of the guy's song, Sell Your Soul along with Dove and Grenade.

The guys chose California, Young, and City.

I didn't remember much after the concert, everyone was just lying around, hot and bored.

We tried to do things like play video games but no one would last long. Everyone was just laying on the floor like dead people. No one moved either, that's what made it believable.

I think everyone blacked out from the heat too. That's how bad it was.

**Thanks for readin and voting^.^**

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now