Being Normal

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''Good morning!'' Aaron yells spinning me in the middle of the bus.

''Fuck yea! Its Saturday!!'' I scream. It was our day off.

I was in a good mood today. No nightmares, no nothing. I just hoped it meant they would stop.

''Hey! Look who's up!'' Dylan had just finished the dishes. That's a surprise.

''Funny Man, since when do you do dishes?'' I laugh as Aaron tried to drag me to the other side of the bus.

''Since you started liking Taco Bell.'' He smirks then throws water at me.

''But I don't like...Taco..Bell.''

''Exacly.'' He laughs and checks his phone.

The divider closes on me, ''Whoa.''

''You forgot I was dragging you?!'' Aaron laughs and kisses my nose.

''Um, no.'' I laugh again and get up.

Just then Destiny and Taylor walk in with stuffed animals. Both of them had their names on it. Taylor's was blue (her favorite color) and Destiny's was purple (also her favorite color).

''The fans are so nice!'' Destiny giggles and sits on the floor next to a wooden stool.

''Nobody taught you how to sit?'' Taylor throws a pillow at her face.

''That wasn't very nice.'' I smile looking through Aaron's stuff for one of his caps. I take one out with black and white spray paint, ''Da Kurlzz?''

''What happened?'' Taylor was over my shoulder now.

I showed her the cap and she nods.

''Matt material.''

I shrug and put it on backwards. The guys have plenty of caps with their trademarks, so do we but I just love wearing them all.

I left Aaron, he was still looking for something? I don't know. My phone suddenly beeps and I rummage through my bag for it.

It was Facebook alerts. Someone had posted a picture on my page. It was a fan from the music store, he took a picture with me. At the bottom was 'Thanks, Deucey!'. I liked the pic and put my phone away.

I turn around and a girl startled me. She must have been with one of the guys. It was normal i guess.

''Oh, um are you dating him? Matt?'' She points to the cap on my head. She seemed a little guilty.

''No, he's more of a brother.'' I smile and set up Black Ops 2.

She seemed relieved, obviously Matt brought her, ''Cool.''

''LET ME JOIN!'' No surprise, it was Johnny.

I roll my eyes, ''Go ahead.''


''Josh! Were are we going for tour?!'' Jorel asks frantic. I think that's the word.

He comes in and sits next to us, ''Our first stop is in Colorado. The next is Kansas, I forgot the rest after that.'' Josh hands one of us the schedule.

''Cool, thanks.'' Jorel reads over it quickly.

''Do we get to go to Los Angeles?'' Isabella clears her throat.

''Um, yea why?''

''Oh, I know.'' Molly smiles and looks at the rest of the girls.

''What? I just like the city.. Even the song, you know-''

''The one by Sugarcult? Yes, we know.'' I laugh.

''Psh. You would know.'' She smirks.

''It's because of Andy, right?'' Matt adds, ''He said he was staying there for a few months.''

Isabella instantly throws something at him, ''Shut up.''

''NEVERR!!'' he runs around the bus like crazy yelling random words.

We all watch as Isabella chased him. We even took pictures.

(''What's with you?'' Jesse takes my wrists and makes me move like a robot.

''I guess I-i'm just tired.''

She nods, ''Tell me about it, I feel like passing out.''

''Never again.'' Isabella laughs.

''What..Oh, are you watching that one show?'' Jesse asked, ''The one on YouTube?''

I gasp, ''Soul Eater?'' It might be an old show, but you gotta admit it was pretty awesome, besides people still watch that.

''What?! Haha no, that's your thing. I'm not crazy.''

My head drops, ''Oh..''

**DEPRESSED MOMENT** lol well thanks for making me talk to Emory about it^ miss youu, @IzziLuvs1D ***

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