Tour Stop 2; Fresno,California

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''Are we there yet?'' I asked Josh.

''Almost, do you have everything ready?'' he asked.

I nod, ''I think so.''

Today was the day that we travel to California.

Since California was moved up from our tour stops then that gave us more chances to go from city to city there.

I grab my Sugarcult bag along with another bag. I took one suitcase, my favorite skateboard and that was it, this is all I need.

''Hey, have you see Aaron?'' I asked. Matt

He smiles, ''It'll be okay, he'll be at the airport.''

''So um, what's our first stop again?'

''Fresno, California.''

I nod. I had almost forgotten. The package I got last night made me forget about everything else.

''We're here!'' Josh screams with excitement.

He grabs his bags as well does Matt.

Even if Josh isn't technically part of the band, he's still our family.

I was the first one off. Outside waiting was Leo and Mira. Mira is one of the bands closest friends. She's also Molly's sister or I meant twin sister. The only difference was Molly's tips were blue from that one day we dyed em'.

''Mira!'' Molly leaped out and hugged her, ''Damn, I missed you.''

''Same here sis.'' She smiled, ''Hey Karen!''

''Hey! Its been a while!'' I smile.

I give her a hug and we talk about a few things.

''Um, so did you get the autograph yet?'' She winks and elbows me softly in the stomach.

''Yea! I got it yesterday.'' I wink back.

After the concerts we will return back to Colorado and Mira will come with me to Washington, she wanted to see me get tattooed.


''Okay, everyone get going, your flight leaves in 10 minutes. Also I have another bus waiting for you at California.'' Leo brushed us to the airport.

He was coming too but he didn't act like it.

Since we couldn't aford to be recognized, we had to hide our faces. We all wore sunglasses and other things out of the HU ordinary.

For me, I didn't look any different. Even if I did my hair in a different style, you could still tell it was me. I gave up after I ended up with a fish tail braid. Instead of wearing a cap, it was a beanie.

''Dude, you look Indian but with glasses.'' Jorel laughs and puts an arm around me.

''Um thanks?'' I tried not to smile.

We entered without any hesitation and made our way to security. They made us take our sunglasses and other stuff off, like jackets and scarves. About one guy recognized us but it was no big deal.

No one else noticed as we walked to our plane.

It was kind of hard though, I heard a girl whisper to her friends if I was Deucey or if the guy next to me was Jorel.


In no time we arrived in Fresno. It was nice to see California again.

When the plane landed everyone rushed off. Concert time, here we come!

After exiting the airport with all our stuff, including guitars, Leo takes us to the substitute bus. The main color was black with white and blue designs around the sides.

All the songs now would have to be acoustic.

Drums would be too heavy and fragile for them to be loaded on a plane. Destiny wouldn't allow it, she would have died if anything happened to her precious drums. Destiny and Matt. Drums were like their own children.

I skateboard to the entrance of the bus and open the door slowly. It was so amazing! Everything looked really cool.

The seats and bunks are all made from the softest material ever. It felt like silk. Same goes for the pillow that well along with it.

''This is sweet!'' We say in unison.

One whole week in this bus. That was all we planned on in California. Our third tour stop is in Sonora, and the forth is in Chico.

We drove to anorther outside stage in the city. I think we were either late or everyone showed up early, but it didn't matter.

The boys started right away, they didn't hesitate. They sang two songs before it was our turn.

After us was the guys again. They sang more at this concert. The rest of the songs were theirs.

''One song.'' I muttered to myself.

After not long we were on the bus, Aaron was still missing since this morning. Where could he be? Jeez, and you would think he could at least answer his phone.

I gave up.

''Johnny, can I talk to you outside?''

Hollywood Undead; Girl VersionWhere stories live. Discover now