Getting On The Road

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''The new design looks killer!'' I scream in awe.

The bus had gotten completely remodeled from the outside. On one side was the guys with their masks on, ont the other side was us with our masks. It was so graphic that is was impossible to be done in only two whole days. The girl we hired was super talented. She actually did the mural while we were inside of the bus. It was pretty normal except we had to check in with her to come in and out.

''How did she pull it off in two days?!'' Johnny was 'fan girling' like crazy.

''I know right! Look at my face!'' Aaron screamed.

''Well that's my Deuce.'' I laugh under my breath.

Molly looked like she was going to cry and so did Isabella. They were each staring at different things but with the same expression.

''Dude! Imagine the fans!'' One of them finally screamed from the other side of the bus.

''Speaking of your fans, they already lined up for tickets tomorrow.They thought both bands going on tour together was a great idea.'' It was Leo.

That's right. We went on tour at different times, the boys went first then a year later it was us. Except we covered more ground.

''Isn't the concert in about a week?'' I ask clueless for a second.

''Yea, but I didn't want the fans to wait any longer I kept getting Twitter alerts from them asking when tickets were on sale.''

''Haha you too?!'' Johnny laughed, ''One girl tried to bribe me.''

''Classic.'' Molly smirked.

''Aye, guys, you are all set for tour. This baby will atract anyone, HU fan or not.'' That girl who remodeled the bus, Spring, said.

''Thanks Spring!!'' Leo smiled and waved goodbye before she went inside her shop again. ''Okay so we better get going if we want to get to Colorado in time.''

''I thought we had a week.'' Taylor and Destiny said at different times.

''I know but that'll take us only about a couple days if we drive day and night. For the rest of the week we can just chill and get everything ready.'' He steps into the bus and we follow.

''Right, right.'' Taylor whispers under her breath.

''Deucey, we needa get the extra guitars counted for.'' Aaron hands me a list.

''I already did that, they're tuned and ready.''

Aaron smiles, ''Did you finish the new designs?''

I nod, ''They're perfect! Just like in the sketches!''

Even though some of us bought instruments at the opening of Harmony Life, the guys pleaded I do them a favor for their guitars.

Jordan picks me up from behind and lays me over his shoulder, ''We just sae the guitars! They're amazing.''

I smile, ''Thanks.''

The guys dropped everything, literally, to go check them out. I guess they never bothered to until now.

''Mine has stitches... How did you do that?'' Matt cocked his head like a dog in wonder.

''Spray paint.'' I tightened my grip on Jordan as he was moving, I was about to fall.

He finally sets me down, ''Sorry about that.''

''It's o-''

''But how!? You did it like patches of different shades combined with the stitches..'' Matt pleads me to be more specific.

''Well you didn't know what design you wanted, so I was more comfortable working freestyle.'' I whispered sheepishly.

''God, i'm glad.'' he just stares at the guitar, half stroking it.

''You would think he wasn't such a kid.'' Jesse laughs.

''Are you guys ready? I'm starting the bus.'' Josh screams.

''Yea!'' We all scream back in unison.

Josh gives a thumbs up and drives off. Soon we would be in Colorado.

''Well i'm taking a cat nap. So yea.'' I say yawning.

''Let me join you, you're probably just going to play Pokemon like always.'' Aaron smirks.

''Whatever.'' I laugh and climb on my bunk and close the curtain before he got the chance to crawl in.

This time I was serious, I was tired for some reason. Then again doing an all nighter with Destiny and Isabella wasn't the best idea.

I end up having to listen to music before I fall asleep. It happens all the time.


''Layla.'' I hear a whisper come from around me, ''Oh, Layla.''

I was in a white room with fog all around me.

''Take my hand.'' The figure was suddenly in front of my face.

The girl was about my age and she had a crazy look in her eyes. They were wide, almost bursting at me. She was covered in some kind of bandages. Even her face, it covered her mouth, nose, and one eye.

''W-why?'' I ask.

''To escape your fate of course. Do you really want to be hurt again? Like with your parents?''


''Then take my hand. We can escape and never look back.''

''I don't want to.'' I whisper, ''Get away from me! Just get away!''

The girl started to shake me, ''Just listen.''

Light flashed bright as ever, I had returned to normality.

''Deucey! Please wake up!'' Aaron shook me lightly back and forth.

''I'm okay. I'm okay.'' I start rubbing my temples in pain.

''You scared me, you started saying get away.''

''I'm sorry.''

''It-it's okay, you just got me worried.''

''Can we switch spots?'' I ask.

''What, why?''

''I'm getting up to look at the stars for a second.''

''Ohok.'' he mutters.

I get up and stretch a bit. I noticed we were still moving, but it was about six in the morning.

''Hey Josh.'' I said as I sat down next to him in the passenger seat.

''Hey, you couldn't sleep?'' He smirks.

''Nope.'' I sigh.

There was a wave of silence before we talked again.

''It was super cool how you got the design on the guitars.''

''Haha thanks!'' I laugh awkwardly, ''So um, have you been driving the whole time?''

He nods.

''Aren't you tired?'' I start to study his face for a signal.

After a pause he answers, ''A little but i'm okay.''

''If you want, I could take over while you sleep.''

''Deucey, you don't have to do that.'' A small smile spread across his face.

''Well you look tired, just let me help you out.'' I then put my hands together, ''Please, please, please, please, please Josh!!''

He chuckles, ''Okay, okay but only for a few hours. Um, about three or four.''

I nod, Josh starts to pull over, and we switch spots. I watch as he walks away.

''Good night.'' He mutters.


**Thanks for the reads and the votes :D it means a lot ❥**

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