Episode 6 | Prisoner of the mind

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Image from MelisandreGhoul

Sunshine was barely even registering what was being said to her. She just kept her eyes on the woman in the back with the brown hair. She was so familiar, for some reason.

"Hey!" She jumped at the sudden sound, turning to face the man that had been talking to her. "If you don't listen, you won't be leaving any time soon. Do you understand?"

She nodded quickly, the overwhelming feeling of fear returning again. He'd asked her that at the end of all of his sentences, she was pretty sure. Still, she wasn't aware as to why. But his eyes hadn't stopped glowing since he'd starting talking and he was staring directly into her eyes. Whatever he was trying to do, he clearly needed her to look into his aswell if it was going to work.

They'd explained earlier that the ghoul that stood in front of her, who's name was Bismuth, had tryed to erase her memories of everything when they'd first met vier hypnosis, but it had only half worked due to the transparent lenses of her mask forming a semi-functional barrier. He'd needed to stare directly into her eyes if he'd wanted it to work but she'd only been seeing his eyes through something else. "Every time I ask you if you understand, I need you to respond with 'yes'. Do you understand?"

A sudden breeze of agreement drifted over her and the word seemed to almoust slip out, "Yes." Sunshine went to look back at the woman, to continue trying to work out why she was so familiar, but Bismuth stopped her.

"No, no. Keep your eyes eyes on me. You have to keep looking at me. Do you understand?" His words held power over her and, once again, a response fell out.


"I know it's hard, but you have to keep your eyes open. Don't let them close. Do you understand?"

This time, something changed. She hadn't noticed how tired she was until he mentioned it, how heavy her eyes were and how much she wanted to close them and just drift away. And her answer was no longer completely unintentional. It felt right to agree. She did understand him, so it was the correct answer anyway. "Yes."

Her heart rate had slowed and every part of her felt relaxed. It was as if listening to him was making her calmer and she found herself wanting more of the blissful gentleness that his words brought her.

"You have to ignore everything else in the room. Do you understand?"

Once again, everything he said suddenly applied to her. Nothing else in the room mattered any more and her focus was completely on him. She couldn't take her eyes off his even if she wanted to, which she didn't.


The reply was starting to feel odly satisfying to say. Every time it slipped out of her mouth, that glorious feeling of calmness increased and she felt herself drifting away again. She could feel her eyes desperately trying to close but he'd asked her not to let them do that and, somehow, that was reason enough for her to fight off the exhaustion.

"Your mind is mine. Do you understand?"

That statement seemed to carry more power than the others, flooding her with an overwhelming sense of obedience. Her mind was his. She could almoust feel him inside her skull, his words echoing in her thoughts and practically becoming them. She couldn't think unless it was about something he had told her to do.


Every time she said it, the sensations got better. The ones she had barely even noticed, the ones that brushed against her brain and left her shivering with delite. They felt so good and, by now, they seemed to be all that she craved, other than Bismuth's commands.

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