Episode 17 | Twisted inspiration

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Prince felt his thoughts forming before anything else, the slow droning on of his inner monologue as his brain started up. He dared to lift his eye lids slightly only to be greeted by a pounding ache in his head. His body was too hot to be the fault of his current environment's temperature and it was causing an awful nausiating feeling to envelope him.

He shut his eyes again and sucked in a breath just as the sound of footsteps reached his ears.

"Ah, already, you're awake. Honestly, it did occur to me that the dosage we gave you might not last as long as it would for others." The voice was a man's, strangely cheery with a sliver of a Spanish accent to it.

Prince tryed to force words out of his strangely hoarse throat but the throbbing of his head was rendering him silent for now. Of coarse whatever sedative they'd used hadn't lasted as long on him. He was a Titan Descendant. No sedatives worked on the Titans.

A rough hand titled his chin up and he felt the presence of the man who'd just spoken directly next to his face. "Such gorgeous creatures, you Shadow Ghouls." Prince felt the man's warm tounge against his cheek and he shivered in disgust. "And such a pleasure to be in the presence of a Titan Descendant aswell."

Prince could hear the smile in his voice, the cruel smugness of how helpless he was in that moment.

His brain was only now starting to register the freeze of the cold metal shackles on his wrists and the thin metal chain around his neck. They vibrated with hellish energy, bleeding their intoxicating magic into their warer.

He shivered again as he felt the hot breath of the man, that he could only assume was Santos, against his neck just before harsh lips pressed against him again. He gently cracked his eyes open a little to peer down as Santos sucked and kissed up his neck until he had worked his way back to his cheek. "No need to worry, ghoul. We won't be having our fun with you just yet. We need you in perfect condition to use as our bait for your seer friend."

His words stabbed at Prince like a dagger, cutting into the most vulnerable places in his soal. Sprite was still suffering from the memories of what had happened and he wanted nothing more than to not be the reason they fell back into Santos' possession.

Prince's mind swiftly gave out again, allowing him to plummet into unconsciousness to sleep off the rest of the drugs. Hopefully, once he was properly awake, he could figure out a way to escape. He'd gone in and out of Santos' base before so surely he could do it again.

When he finally felt his thoughts crowding in again, he registered the bright light of his surroundings before anything else. He groaned, slowly opening his eyes and glancing around.

He seemed to be leaning again a wall in an abandoned warehouse, sunlight from the windows above coating the large room in a near blinding glow. At least he was alone though and, for whatever reason, he wasn't chained to anything. The shackles on his wrists didn't connect him to the wall or the floor. He had free rein of the base.

"Wha..." He tryed to speak but his voice cut out before he could finish a single word.

His throat was still burning and the pain in his neck from where the dart had hit him and then Santos had sucked at his skin was still pushing to the front of his thoughts. At least his head didn't ache anymore and his body was the same temperature as the room.

Slowly, Prince adjusted his position on the floor, feeling all his senses coming back on line as he pushed himself up. He swayed for a moment as the nausia finally ended.

"Already trying to stand, are we?"

Prince growled, an infernal blaze suddenly burning in his heart as he remembered all the awful things the man had done to Sprite, all the sleepless nights he'd spent trying to keep them calm despite every voice in his head reminding him that they had every reason to be distraught. What Santos had done to them was unforgivably and he found himself grinning like a maniac as he relished in his imagination of what he was about to do to him.

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