Episode 21 | Lesson you'd learn as a kit

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Sunshine tapped her foot on the ground impatiently as she, Em and Poppy waited for Bismuth to join them. They'd all left their rooms exactly on time, except for the Air Infinity ghoul who still hadn't emerged from his hall yet.

Em groaned again, clearly frustrated by the hold up. "Where even is he? It's not like he had anyone else in his room with him that he'd have had to sneak past." She grumbled to herself.

Just then, the sound of a door opening and closing caught their attention and Sunshine turned to see Bismuth finally jogging over to them. "Oh my days, finally!" She whisper-yelled, careful not to be too load and alert anyone to their being awake.

Em titled her head, creeping over to him and sniffing him suspiciously. Her eyes widened, and she stared back at him in disbelief. "You did have someone else in your room with you!"

Poppy sighed, face palming as the tips of Bismuth's ears went pink. She gazed back at him with an 'of course you did' look on her face. "Valerie?"

Bismuth averted his gaze as his whole face went red. "Yeah."

Sunshine just chuckled to herself. It was completely in character for an Air ghoul to make time for a quick romp in the sheets before a mission. She knew from experience.

"For the love of Belial! Can. We. just. Go!" Em complained, completely running out of patients and heading off down the hall herself. The others followed along behind, laughing and shaking their heads.

The group ventured back to the dinning hall first to check the door by the announcements board. It was pitch black already and Sunshine thanked the Dark Lord for ghouls' ability to see better than humans could in the night. She'd never truly appreciated it before then. Although, before then, she hadn't had a reason to.

Once they'd reached the hall, Bismuth pushed open the doors quietly and crept inside, the others following close behind him. The long room was empty and the tables were bare, a dramatic contrast to the stacks of food that had been piled on top of them the last time they'd been there.

Em pointed to the large wooden door and the ghouls cantered over to it, Bismuth reaching his hand out to trace along the thick metal chain that dangled across it.

"Anyone know how to break a chain quietly?" Poppy asked, mostly being sarcastic.

Sunshine grinned, stepping forward and using her Fire preference to heat up the metal so much that a thin slit of it completely melted away and separated. She sighed, the strain of it making her temporarily exhausted, and turned back around to see the Rogues staring at her in a shocked silence.

"Why haven't you ever done that before!?" Bismuth complained.

"I'll do it right now and weld your mouth shut. Mercy for all of us." She joked in an sarcastically serious tone.

Poppy snickered from beside Bismuth, who elbowed her in the side with an irritated look on his face. Em just giggled from behind them.

Sunshine smiled, gently pushing the wooden door open and peering in. "Prince?" She whispered. No reply. She pushed the door the rest of the way open and stepped inside with the other Rogues.

It was too dark for even a ghoul to see inside the small room and, just in that moment, a thick string hit Sunshine in the face and she glanced up to realise that it was a light switch. She tugged it gently, the dim light flickering on, and turned back to look into the room, her smile dropping immediately.

The room was filled with various objects, all of which the ghouls knew either from seeing them locked up tight in ghoulish museums or from stories they'd heard from the Revolution fighters.

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