Episode 3 | Punishment

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Please keep in mind that everything that happens in this chapter has been concented to and isn't in any way forced.

⚠TW: Sexual activity being used as a punishment⚠️

The group walked to the cave in silence, Poppy leading the way. The closer they got, the more Bismuth began to realize that she fully intended to carry out her silent threat. They climbed down the ladder they'd placed near the above entrance years before, dropping down into the darker room of stone one by one.

Over the years, they'd fixed the cave up into a mostly functional home. They'd learnt that certain parts of the walls, if broken away, connected the room to other stone spaces. Those spaces had been blocked off from eachother by doors, making them each more private. They would spend most of their time in the main area, which had the water pool for Em and Sprite had claimed the stone ledge near the ceiling as their bed, despite being offered a room. The individual rooms that were connected to the main area were personal to a single ghoul. Each room had a proper bed, mattress and covers and all, and boxes and shelves to house their personal stuff. Poppy used most of hers for clothes and jewels, Em used hers for towels if she decided to go for a swim and items like her sewing kit and weapons stash. Prince's was mostly filled with the cash they stole during their heists aswell as other clothes, and Bismuth didn't have much of anything in his except for the odd shirt or necklace. Sprite didn't really keep anything except spare clothing, which Poppy had let them store in an small chest in her room, so they hadn't really needed a space of their own anyway. Besides, it would take a force of Satan to get them off their stone slab of a bed.

Even before Bismuth could step off the ladder, Poppy had grabbed him by the back of his coat and was dragging him to her room. The other's averted their eyes, trying not to think about what she was going to do to him. Sprite had walked in on one of their punishments once and now refused to entre that room at all, even to grab some of their clothes.

Poppy slammed the door behind the two of them, locking it before turning to face the nervous figure she still held on to.

"Hey...we can talk about this...can't we?" Bismuth almoust begged. He knew she would be showing him no mercy the moment she got him on the bed.

Poppy just snarled at him, pushing him towards the bed and creeping towards him as he went like a predator, "Try to pull any of your mind tricks on me and you'll just be making it worst for yourself, understand?" She was inches from his face and he could feel himself shaking already.

He knew she wouldn't hurt him and that she had every right to be mad, but the fear of the punishment was always worse than the act itself. Which was exactly what she wanted. She wanted to know that she could make him fear her.

He nodded slowly, allowing her to throw him on the bed and climb up to join him. He kept his eyes closely trained on her as she sat, straddling his waist, one hand resting on his chest.

"You really though you could just do that and not have to deal with me after?" She hissed, slowly starting to unbuckle his belt. He shook his head weakly, hoping it was enough of an answer. "Speak! I want to know exactly what was going through your head when you pulled that little stunt earlier."

He flinched at her command, suddenly feeling the cold air on his skin as she slid his jeans off him. "I was worried about her realizing what we were. I didn't want to risk our safety." It was a valid point, but even he knew that Sunshine hadn't noticed they were ghouls. He'd been acting on inpulse and hadn't even thought to discuss it with the others before just going right ahead with it.

Poppy let out a humorless laughter, smirking down at him, "You know full well she wasn't a risk. She was scared, even more so than you are now."

She gently slipped his boxers down, letting his member free and exposing him to her. She grinned at the effect she was having on him, slowly lowering her skirt off.

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